Reprocessing employee records

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Root Node > Forms.
  2. Click Open next to the AC Reprocess Form.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the employees for whom you want to reprocess records. Leave this field blank to reprocess the records belonging to all the employees that you have security privileges to modify.
    Start Date
    Select the reprocessing start date.
    Records to Reprocess
    Select the type of records to reprocess. Valid options are Violations and Events and Violations.
    Preserve Manual Entries?
    Select Yes to maintain existing manual overrides during reprocessing. Select No to delete existing manual overrides during reprocessing.
  4. Click Submit to reprocess the forms.
  5. Click OK.
A message is displayed in your Workmail Inbox notifying you that your reprocessing request has been processed.