Distributing toke pools

After an administrator has created a toke pool, the assigned counters can distribute the toke pool.

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Tips and Tokes > Distribution Form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Toke Pool
    Select the toke poll to which you want to distribute collected tokes. You can only select a toke poll to which you have been assigned as a counter.

    After selecting a toke pool, the Date Start field is automatically updated with the distribution start date. When the pool is first being paid out, the start date is set to the start date of the pool. For subsequent distributions, the start date is set to the end date of the previous distribution + 1. This ensures that employee work time is not counted multiple times for different distributions.

    Date End
    Select a distribution end date. This date is the last day that is considered when distributing the pool payout.
  3. Click Go to display the distribution form.
  4. In the Pool Amount section, specify the initial toke pool amount to be used in the distribution calculation in the Amount field.
    The amount to be distributed is updated in the Running Payout Total section on the right side of the screen. This amount includes any money that was carried over from previous pool distributions.
    Note: This is not the final amount, as fees and adjustments will affect the final amount to be distributed.
  5. Optionally, in the Counter Fees section, specify a fee amount for each counter who is assigned to the toke pool in the Fee field.
    These amounts are paid to the counters and are excluded from the distribution calculation.

    The total fees are subtracted from the amount to be distributed in the Running Payout Total section on the right side of the screen.

  6. Optionally, in the Employee Adjustments section, click the new row icon and specify this information:
    Select an employee to be paid a flat amount. Typically, employee adjustments are used to distribute any monies that are owed to employees from previous pools.
    Specify the amount of the employee adjustment.

    You can specify additional employee adjustments by clicking the new row icon.

    The total adjustments are subtracted from the amount to be distributed in the Running Payout Total section on the right side of the screen.

  7. Click Next to show a preview of the distribution.
    The preview shows how the pool will be distributed based on the recorded work time of eligible employees. The preview also shows any counter fees or adjustments that have been configured to be taken from the pool before its distribution.
  8. Verify the distribution.
    Note: To meet the target distribution amount, the amount is distributed so that all eligible employees receive within 1 cent of the amount they are owed.
    You can click Prev to update the distribution before executing it.
  9. Click Pay Tokes.
    Premium records are generated for those employees that are included in the report for the amounts that are shown on that same report. The premium is placed on the timesheet that is equal to the end date value you entered in the distribution form.