

References page properties. Can be used in SQL statements and JavaScript.

These variables are the Variable Names:

  • userLogin

    User login name - The name the user typed when logging in. For example, jsmith.

  • userId

    User Id - WBU_ID from WORKBRAIN_USER table.

  • userName

    User Name - WBU_NAME from WORKBRAIN_USER table. For example, jsmith.

  • userFullName

    User Full Name - For example, John Smith.

  • employeeId

    Employee ID - EMP_ID from the EMPLOYEE table.

  • browserVersion

    Browser currently used. - For example, MSIE 5.5.

  • defaultDateFormat

    Date format currently used. - For example, MM/dd/yyyy.

  • userGroupId

    ID of the group in which the user belongs.

  • isConfig

    Current page in config mode (true or false).

  • loginError

    Last login error, if any.

  • url

    URL of the current page.

  • employeeSin

    Employee’s SIN or SSN.

  • employeeBadge

    Employee’s Badge Number.


Set to true if the browser is Netscape 4.0 or Netscape 4.7.

Can be used to bracket code that should only be emitted for Netscape browsers.

In the following example, an extra span tag is being introduced for older Netscape browsers to fix a CSS issue.

<wb:if expression="#page.property.isOldNetscape#"><span class='linkDark'></wb:if> 
<wb:dataField name='<%=dataFieldsArray[i-1]%>'/> 
<wb:if expression="#page.property.isOldNetscape#"></span></wb:if>


Select * from employee where emp_id = #page.property.employeeId# would return the EMP_ID number of the user who is logged on to the current page.

For example, if EMP_ID 1334 displays the page, this number would be parsed to the server side. Then when the expression is called, the same EMP_ID (that is, EMP_ID 1334) is returned.