Workflow Editor Navigation

The Workflow Editor consists of these functional parts:

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is displayed at the top of the Workflow Editor screen. Similar to other Windows-based applications, the Menu Bar enables you to perform generic tasks (for example, editing and saving a workflow) and Workflow Editor-specific tasks.


Toolbar functions represent commonly used Workflow Editor tasks. Slide your mouse over each Toolbar button to determine what task each button performs.

These icons are the WFM-specific Toolbar icons:

Show Grid
Toggles between displaying a Grid pattern background versus a blank background within the Workflow Workspace. The Grid pattern allows for easier placement of nodes.
Snap to Grid ON or OFF
Toggles between the Snap to Grid ON and Snap the Grid OFF functions. If Snap to Grid ON is active, and the user drags the nodes around the workspace, the node snaps to the closest dotted line(s) of the grid.
Connect To
Connects two nodes within the workspace, creating a branch.

To use the Connect To icon, click the originating node, click the Connect To icon, then click the receiving node. The branch is displayed. Branches must have default labels in the Name parameter in order for the options to be displayed and function properly on the forms.

Start Node
Assigns the currently selected node as the Start Node. This node is where the flow begins. The Start Node is common to nodes of base type Employee, Role, Process, and Formula. A node that has been assigned as the start node is identified by a check mark at the bottom-right corner of the node.
Validation Node
Marks the node as a validation node, which is used in server side processing. When a workflow uses validation nodes, Interactions are validated before they are sent to the database and can therefore be returned immediately to the user if validation fails.
Reset Validation Node
Resets the validation node to a non-validation node.
Reset All Validation Node
Resets all validation nodes in the workflow to non-validation nodes.
Align Left
Aligns all selected icons evenly along an invisible left margin.
Align Right
Aligns all selected icons evenly along an invisible right margin.
Align Bottom
Aligns all selected icons evenly along an invisible bottom margin.
Align Top
Aligns all selected icons evenly along an invisible top margin.
Auto Align Nodes
Aligns all icons within the workspace so that they sit in the upper-left corner of the closest cells within the grid.

Status Bar

The Status Bar displays the following information (from left to right):

  • Currently-selected node type (for example, Employee)
  • Name of the current workflow (for example, WBU Safety Glove Request)

Template Palette (Default Actions)

WFM Workflows are made up of various nodes and branches.

The Template Palette contains all the Workflow Editor node templates. The following are the WFM default action nodes:

Template Palette (Custom Actions)

The Custom Actions tab of the Template Palette lists all of the customized action nodes (such as the Shift Trade Eligibility node, used in the Shift Trade workflow).


Branches are identified by simple text labels. Users can localize branch labels as required. These localized branches appear as available path options for the Employee and Role nodes. Multiple branches can originate from a single node.


Every node and branch within a workflow includes a set of properties. When a node or branch is selected, its properties appear in the Inspector. All properties within the Inspector are editable.

All nodes contain a common set of properties. These properties include:

  • Name
  • Image Icon
  • Description

Branches establish the interaction path through the workflow. The common branch property is Name.

Note:  To select multiple controls (more than one control at a time), select the first control and then press Ctrl-and-Click to select the subsequent controls.


The workspace contains the graphical workflow interpretation. Workflows are created and edited in the workspace.