Report Summary expressions

You can add any of the following expressions to a report. You can add the first four expressions described below (for example, #value#, #sum#, #average#, and #count#) to a Report Summary control, while you can add #report.pageNumber# to a Label control. #value# or #sum# Counts the value of line items that appear in the report section in which the Report Summary control is placed.

For example, if a Report Summary control is placed in the Page Footer of a report that displays the following time codes for an employee:

Time Code Number of occurrences
  • the #value# or #sum# expression sums the line items as follows, at the bottom of each report page:

    2 + 3 + 6 = 11

  • #average# Averages the line items that appear in the report section in which the Report Summary control is placed.

    Using the above example, an Average expression sums the line items as follows, at the bottom of each report page:

    (2 + 3 + 6) ÷ 3 = 3.6

  • #count# Counts the number of line items that appear in the report section in which the Report Summary is placed.

    Using the example above, a Count expression sums the line items as follows, at the bottom of each report page:

    2 + 3 + 6 = 3 (for example, 3 items)

  • #report.pageNumber# This report summary expression is typically used with a Page Header or Page Footer control. The expression counts the number of pages in the report and displays a page number in the Page Header or Page Footer.

See Appendix B for more information on expressions that you can use with the WFM application.