Business Example 6 - Guarantees Plus Rule

This example covers the business needs where employees are guaranteed a state minimum wage plus an additional hour of pay for working the split shift.


Scheduled Shift Count Condition:

Parameter Value
Operator =
CompareToScheduledShiftCount 2

Rule parameters:

Parameter Value
*Time Codes WRK
*Guarantee Period Day option selected
Guarantee Type Money option selected

Rate to Use:

Minimum Wage option selected with the appropriate state selected from the lookup

*Use Guaranteed Minutes from Eligible Bonus option selected with 60 specified in the field
*Premium Time Code Assign time code option selected with GUAR selected from the lookup
Premium Hour Type Assign hour type option selected with REG selected from the lookup
Premium Rate Money Owed option selected

Additional configuration:

Ensure your state minimum wages have been updated to reflect the latest values (Maintenance > Payroll Settings > State Minimum Wages).


These examples assume that the state minimum wage is $10.00 per hour.

6a - Employee works all hours at minimum wage

In this example, the employee works all hours at minimum wage, so gets the full hour of additional pay.

Shift Minutes Worked Rate Worked Earnings
Morning 240 $10.00 $40.00
Evening 240 $10.00 $40.00
PREMIUM $10.00

The employee earned $80.00, but is owed $90.00. In this case, a $10.00 premium is paid.

6b - Employee works slightly above minimum wage

In this example, the employee works slightly above the minimum wage, so gets a little less than an hour's pay.

Shift Minutes Worked Rate Worked Earnings
Morning 240 $10.25 $41.00
Evening 240 $10.25 $41.00

The employee earned $82.00, but is owed $90.00. In this case, an $8.00 premium is paid.

6c - Employee works well above minimum wage

In this example, the employee works well above the minimum wage, so the employee does not get any additional pay.

Shift Minutes Worked Rate Worked Earnings
Morning 240 $12.00 $48.00
Evening 240 $12.00 $48.00

The employee earned $96.00, which is above the $90.00 that is owed. In this case, no premium is paid.

6d - Employee works some hours at minimum wage and some at higher wage

In this example, the employee works some hours at minimum wage and some hours at a higher wage, so gets less than an hour's pay.

Shift Minutes Worked Rate Worked Earnings
Morning 240 $10.00 $40.00
Evening 240 $11.00 $44.00

The employee earned $84.00, but is owed $90.00. In this case, a $6.00 premium is paid.

6e - Employee works well below minimum wage

In this example, the employee works well below the minimum wage, so gets a large premium.

Shift Minutes Worked Rate Worked Earnings
Morning 240 $5 $20.00
Evening 240 $5 $20.00
PREMIUM $50.00

The employee earned only $40.00, but is owed $90.00. In this case, a $50.00 premium is paid.