Employee User Defined Fields (UDFs)

The EMP_UDF_DATA field is used to import Employee User Defined Fields (UDFs). An unlimited number of Employee UDFs can be assigned to an employee through the Employee Import process.

An employee's UDF can be assigned using this name-value pair format:


The DATA1 value must be already defined for the field in the Employee Data Definition page (Maintenance > Employees > Employee Data Definition). If DATA1 is not defined, the system rejects the entire record and generates an error message. For example, if you wish to store an employee's address, ensure that the data definition table contains an ADDRESS value.

The interface layout definition must also include a reference to the relevant employee data definition field. Continuing with the address example, this means your layout should include a field definition for EMPUDF_NAME=ADDRESS.

The CSV file (Configuring the CSV file) only requires the value of the UDF. Continuing with the address example, your CSV file would contain "641 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10011" in the appropriate column and position.