Field Mappings (Columns 7, 8 ,10 and 74)

The HR Refresh allows these fields to be mapped from an external system's data:

Calculation Group (column 8)
Payroll Group (column 10)
Security Group (column 74)
Shift Pattern (column 7)

For example, an external system might have 3 fields that describe the pay group to which an employee belongs. In this case, the HR Refresh allows you the flexibility to map the combination of the three fields into the PAYGRP_NAME field.

These fields can receive up to 10 factors (that is, 10 external field values, separated by the tilde (~) symbol), which are mapped to a single Shift Pattern, Calculation Group, Payroll Group or Security Group field.

The mapping definitions for these fields are specified in the HR Refresh Parameter page (from the Interface Task in the Job Scheduler).

The application installs with a set of default standard mapping definitions, which are listed in the Mapping Definitions page. They are:

  • Default ShiftPattern Mapping
  • Default PayGroup Mapping
  • Default CalcGroup Mapping
  • Default SecurityGroup Mapping

These mappings do not perform any mappings by default; instead, they use the value in the file. This implies that the file must contain only one factor that maps directly to the relevant field (Shift Pattern, Calculation Group, Payroll Group or Security Group field).

If any type of mapping is required for any of the fields, you must create a new mapping definition.