Report selection parameters

The report selection parameters vary depending on the specific report you are running.
This table describes the available report selection parameters:
Parameter Description
Approved Select whether you want to display all violations, only approved violations, or only unapproved violations. Schedule Compliance Violations Report only.
Approved By Select the users to include in the report. The report shows the violations that were approved by the selected users. Schedule Compliance Violations Report only.
Authorization Select the type of records that you want to view (Authorized, Unauthorized, or All Records).
Balance Type Select the balance type you want to view (for example, Sick, Personal Days, or Vacation). Balance Report only.
Calculation Group Select the calculation groups to include in the report.
Date Selection Select the period of time for the report.
Department Select the departments to include in the report.
Direction Select the direction in which you want to sort the records (Ascending or Descending).
Docket Select the dockets to include in the report.
Domain Select the domains to include in the report:
  • WORKBRAIN_SYSTEM: Users who have logged into the system from the desktop application/ETM
  • MOBILITY: Users who have logged into the system from the mobility application

By default, both domains are included. User Session Report only.

Employee Select the employees to include in the report.
Employee ID Select the employee IDs to include in the report.
End Date If you selected Manual Date Range from the Date Selection field, then select the end date for the period you want to view.
Group By Select how you want the report results to be grouped (for example, by User, Date, IP Address, Shift Pattern, Team, and so on). The Group By options that are displayed from the drop-down list are specific to the report.
Include Sub Teams Select this check box to include the sub teams for the teams you selected.
Job Select the jobs to include in the report. These are activities, not Job Scheduler jobs.
Job ID Select the jobs you want to include in the report. These are Job Scheduler jobs, not activities. Click All to include all jobs in the report. Job Scheduler Report only.
Offer Name Select the OTE offer names to include in the report.
Only Unauthorized Select to include only unauthorized records. Exception Report only.
Order By Select the category by which you want the report results sorted (for example, User, Date/Time, IP Address, First Name, Last Name). The Order By options that are displayed in the drop-down list are specific to the report.
OTE Group Select the Overtime Equalization (OTE) group to include in the report.
Pay Group Select the pay groups to include in the report.
Project Select the projects to include in the report.
Report Format Select the output format of the report (HTML, PDF, or Excel). The default is HTML.
Report Type Select the type of Year At a Glance (YAG) report you want to view (for example, Absences, Overtime, or Schedule). YAG Reports only.
Response Select the overtime offer responses of employees to include in the report (for example, All, Accepted, Refuse, Not Available).
Second Group By Select the second category by which to group the report results.
Send Notification Select this check box to send email notifications of employee exceptions to the employees’ supervisors.
Shift Pattern Select the shift patterns to include in the report.
Show Parameters Select to show the selected parameters on the first page of the report.
Sort Select whether you want to sort the report by date, by rule (instance), or by violation type. Schedule Compliance Violations Report only.
Start Date If you selected Manual Date Range from the Date Selection field, then select the start date for the period you want to view.
Status Select the status of the user logins to include in the report (Success or Failed). By default, both statuses are included. User Session Report only.
Table Select the database tables that you want to audit. Audit Report only.
Team Select the teams to include in the report.
Time Code Select the time codes to include in the report.
Transaction ID Select the transaction ID to include in the report. Export Log and Import Log reports only.
Transaction Type Select the type of export transaction (for example, HR Refresh, Clock Import, and so on) you want to view. Export Log and Import Log reports only.
User Select the users you want to audit. Audit Report only.
Violation Type Select whether you want to display all violations, only warnings, or only errors. Schedule Compliance Violations Report only.
Work Date Select the date of the records you want to view.
Year Select the year you want to view. If you select the current year, information up to the current month is displayed. YAG Reports only.