Default posting workflow

The default posting workflow determines if a shift should be made available to employees in the Shift Billboard. In the default posting workflow, manager-posted shifts are always successfully posted. Employee-posted shifts are successfully posted if removing the shift from the posting employee's schedule would not cause schedule compliance warnings or errors. Shifts that would cause warnings are sent to the team supervisor for approval before they are successfully posted. Shifts that would cause errors are rejected and cannot be posted. When the workflow is completed for employee-posted shifts, a workmail is sent to the posting employee to notify them if the shift posting was successful or rejected.

This table details the steps in the default posting workflow. When a transaction is ACCEPTED, the shift is successfully posted. When a transaction is REJECTED, the shift is not posted.

Step # Process step Outcome
1 Was the shift posted by a manager or employee? If the shift was posted by a manager, ACCEPTED.

If the shift was posted by an employee, go the next step.

2 Would schedule compliance errors occur if the shift is removed from the posting employee's schedule (e.g. after another employee successfully claims the shift)? If yes, REJECTED.

If no, go to the next step.

3 Would schedule compliance warnings occur if the shift is removed from the posting employee's schedule? If yes, go to the next step.


4 Can the employee self-approve all the schedule compliance warnings that occur if the shift is removed from the schedule? If yes, ACCEPTED.

If no, go to the next step.

5 The team's supervisor is sent a message to approve the warnings. If the supervisor approves, ACCEPTED.

If the supervisor rejects, REJECTED.