Updates to MVS tables

For Release 7.0.0, MVS database tables have been updated due to development of new features and refactoring of existing features. This topic provides information about the tables added, removed, and changed to help migrate your existing code. This information is provided for reference purposes only.

General statement on accessing data in WFM

Customizations should use internal Java services to access data in WFM. Customizations should not directly access the information stored in database tables. Java services can be used to access most, if not all the data, in the WFM database tables.

New tables

These tables have been added as of this release:

This table has been added to store values for Budgeted Hours Per Patient Day.
This table has been added to store links between Shift Billboard posts and their associated workflow business objects.
This table has been added to store the possible status values for Shift Billboard posts. This table may contain custom status values.
This table has been added to store the possible values for workflow statuses for Shift Billboard business objects. This table may only contain system status values.

Modified tables

These tables have been modified as of this release:

The OSBGPT_MANAGER_CAN_POST and OSBGPT_EMPLOYEE_CAN_POST columns have been added to store configuration selections for Shift Billboard groups.
These columns have been added to this table:
  • The EMP_ID column stores the ID of the posting employee for employee posted shifts.
  • The OSBPOSTING_START_TIME column stores the start time of employee posted shifts.
  • The OSBPOSTING_END_TIME column stores the end time of employee posted shifts.
  • The POSTSTAT_ID column stores the statuses of shift posts.