Platform resolved issues

Total: 3 issues



Incorrect business objects inserted by NO translation





Maintenance Form pagination issue with Wildfly

Maintenance forms are showing the incorrect number of pages and incorrect number of results for Maintenance Forms where we have more than one page of results.

For forms where there are more than one page of results, it always shows that there are 1162 results and 59 pages. All pages after the last result are empty.

If there is just one page of results, it correctly shows no pagination however.


Fixed. Reset total number of records so that if the maint tag object is reused, the total number of records updates correctly.



As a French Employee when I Log Out I Expect the Login Page to Match my Browser Locale

When logging out of the application, WFM creates a redirect url with a parameter (?locale=fr_CA) and pass our default locale registry in the url parameter for the login page to use.


Fixed. No longer append the locale url parameter when logging out.
