WFM maintenance resolved issues

Total: 4 issues


Incident # 15581144

'Current Docket' displays incorrect Docket in Mobility after manually changing Docket via Mobility and clocking out the day before

Mobility correctly shows 'DOCKET B' and the user then clocks off for the day. The next day they are once again scheduled for 'DOCKET A', but when they clock ON via Mobility, the 'Current Docket' is still displaying 'DOCKET B'. However, the system is correctly charging to the scheduled 'DOCKET A' when the timesheet is checked. It appears that only the 'Current Docket' display isn't updating.


Fixed. Added If condition to check if clock is ON and populate today's scheduled docket when clocking on before scheduled timing.


Incident # 15937214

Rotations stuck on PROCESS REQUIRED state

When clicking on the Process button it looks like the schedule is successfully sent to the Publish queue and the status changes to PENDING PROCESS.

On the Job Scheduler both the Short Term and Long Term publish tasks appear to complete successfully, but when returning to the MR the status is still PROCESS REQUIRED. The issue persists even after creating a new row version.




Incident # 15562224

ASV - Employee with the same job on different teams on a day doesn't display when team B filter is selected but displays on team A filter

When an employee is assigned to a second shift on a day for a different team with the same job, the employee is not displayed in the ASV when selecting team A in the team filter. Conversely when selecting team B in the team filter, the employee and the 2 shifts display.


Fixed. Filtering the data shifts in the row are also checked along with row data similar to other filters (Activity, Rotation).


Incident # 16268123

Rollback option to turn off creating Default Records

The option to create default records via the daily selection (through checkbox) was disabled and the default records are created by default. POST-22045 changed that by providing an option to turn off the creation of default records for customer. This in turn resulted in an issue reported in POST-22676. This ticket reverts the changes made in POST-22045 and POST-22676.

