WFM maintenance resolved issues

Total: 16 issues


Incident # 13748466


Schedule Compliance violation approvals in MR/OTS and ASV

When processing a Master Rotation with schedule compliance violations, the validation message in the pop-up says that "all violations in the rotation will be approved", which is incorrect. For MR, schedule compliance violations are left unapproved.


Fixed by updating the localization of the validation message in the pop-up.


Incident # 14877705


Archive Policy Runner fails to run properly when username is different from schema name

After changing the database to MS SQL Server from DB2, the archive runner is failing to work properly.


Fixed. When USER name is different from SCHEMA name, ARCHIVE_MODE_NAME is used which is basically SCHEMA name.


Incident # 15256829


Validation pop-up for required fields in ASV Detail Edit and Mass Edit Mode

In ASV, users can clear labor metric values in Detail Edit and Mass Edit modes even though the labor metric field is configured as a required field. Upon saving the shift, "0" is saved in the field.


Fixed by creating a validation pop-up for required fields in Detail Edit and Mass Edit modes.


Incident # 15307494


Flyway fix required to clean up duplicate TOP entries from OTS shifts applied to existing unscheduled leave period

In POST-16837, the Time Off Planner was displaying duplicate entries when existing leaves were created before an OTS is processed on overlapping dates. Although the fix prevents new occurrences of the issue, the existing duplicate records were not cleared out from the database.


Added a migration script to clean up the bad data that was caused by the OTS publish issue.


Incident # 15362111


[Reoccurring] \"Transaction Rolled Back\" Error

After creating an LTA Override for an employee by providing empty value in "start time" and some value in the "end time", log in to Mobility with the employee credentials who has the LTA override. Depending on the date you are on, error will appear either on the home screen or on the employee schedule page or both.


Fixed NullPointerException while comparing Employee Shift.


Incident # 15377858


Data Replication Task marked Work Detail records for deletion in WFM but not in DataLake

Certain work detail records marked for deletion in WFM are not marked for deletion in Data Lake.




Incident # 15273129


Shift link error in ASV when canceling a chain of book-offs with different Relief Options

An error occurs when canceling a chain of book-offs with different Relief Options for different relief employees.




Incident # 15464450


Datalake WFM_Reader Lacking Updates

The WFM_Reader table in Data Lake is not getting updated with the latest information from WFM.


Fixed by adding three minutes to the upper boundary check time for the WFM_Reader table only.


Incident # 15503131


Missing scrollbar in Request Validation Errors pop-up on Time Off Approval

In the Time Off Approval page, the Request Validation Errors window is missing a scrollbar when the list of validation errors does not fit within the window. The user is unable to close the window.


Fixed by adding a scrollbar.


Incident # 15562570


FMLA balances are missing on Cascade Time Code Rule

When the "FMLA Service with Company in Last Year" and "FMLA Employed by Company" balance names were changed to capital letters (POST-19908), it affected the Cascade Time Code Rule. In the Cascade For Balance column, those balance names were changed to blank values.


Fixed by reverting POST-19908 and providing a new fix for it.


Incident # 15583036, 15589159


Leave cancellation via ASV is not canceling in TOC & TOP

When time off is applied in the Time Off Approval page and then canceled in the ASV, the time off remains in the Time Off Approval page.


Fixed in POST-20491.


Incident # 15477786


POST-18034 failed to fully resolve the reported issue

The archive runner is failing to run properly in an environment with separate MSSQL databases for WFM data and archive data.


Fixed by using the schema_name instead of user_name for MSSQL Server.


Incident # 15583036, 15589159


Book-off applied and canceled in ASV is not being removed from Time-Off Approval

When a book off is applied and then canceled in the ASV, the time off remains in the Time Off Calendar and the Time Off Approval page.


Fixed by removing the code implemented during POST-19543 that was skipping the cancellation of approved time off requests.


Incident # 1


Backport WFM-28197 to 7.0.0.x, 7.1.0.x

The Row Costing drop-down menu can be used to select the default set of labor metrics for all rows when creating a Master Rotation (MR) or One-time Schedule (OTS). When creating a new rotation for an entire team or for a group of selected employees, rows can use the labor metrics from their assigned employee's default labor allocation. Rows can also use the labor metrics that are manually selected for the row.


Incident # 15627615


Employee is not "AV" on RCA despite having availability defined in Employee Availability Pattern

Employee's availability is incorrectly displayed as UK in the Relief Calling Area (RCA) even though the employee has available time specified in their availability pattern.


Fixed by correcting the employee availability load query.


Incident # 15669068


Shift Type Default Value is not visible

The default value configured for the Shift Type field is not pre-populated when creating a new shift in Shift Configuration.


Fixed by backporting POST-13748, which addressed a similar issue.
