POST resolved issues

Total: 23 issues


Incident # 13634206


There is no key to hide the Meal Break and Property sections of the Create New Shift form in Shift Configuration

Unable to hide the meal break and property sections of the Create New Shift form when creating a new shift in Shift Configuration.


Fixed. Added the security keys for divs.


Incident # 13629394


Duplicate entries in Time off Approval

Time off Approval is showing duplicate entries for the employee when multiple partial leaves are applied for the same day. Only Approved entries should be displayed where pending should not be displayed. When set to NULL, the issue is not replicating but this plugin is required for the MVS-time off planner integration so this cannot be removed.


Fixed. Updated the TimeOffDayOvr link to point to the new LTA override that gets created with the same start and end time.


Incident # 13776290


Shift History performance is slow

Performance issue. The time taken to display Shift History on ASV exceeds 8 seconds.


Fixed. Index statement was applied to the core schema to improve performance.


Incident # 13973390


Invalid UI displayed in the Call List Type when loaded 2 teams into RQ but only selected shifts from 1 team and sent to RCA

After loading two teams in Team Schedules > Relief Queue and selecting a block/s from a single team only and sending to RCA, Invalid UI is displayed in the Call List Type Parameter.




Incident # 13948051


LTA displayed differently on OTS if it is outside the current period

When a LTA is applied to an employee's unscheduled day and the days are viewed in OTS, the time-off name is displayed in brackets. However, if the OTS is displaying LTAs from a previous period (due to OTS_NUM_PREV_DAYS) the time-off name is displayed on a shaded cell. This is inconsistent.


Fixed. Added foreign LTA labels to previous-shift.component to display foreign LTAs separately with brackets.


Incident # 14178387


Employee with a shift pattern PDO is posted to the wrong job in ASV but correct job on Timesheet

Correct job is not displayed when loading the ASV for an employee having two preferred jobs for the loaded date range.




Incident # 13830698


Callout to supply information after action is executed

The validation callout hook should supply the row version IDs after an action is executed, not before.


Fixed. New interface method validateVersionDeletion has been added that will be triggered on row deletion and allows custom validation. It provides row version IDs and selected time period.


Incident # 14240371


Pink font displayed in Shift History and Relief Queue

The font in both shift history and relief queue display in pink since going live with WFM 6.3.0. Since it was black to begin with, the customer would like the font to stay black as it was easier to read.


Fixed. Added changes to ShiftHistoryController and LayeredDisplayShift to use font colour value instead of colour name.


Incident # 14248278


Alter Warning Message Description before Delete and Unassign Shifts via Mass Edit in ASV

Warning message in Mass Edit's Delete and Unassign needs to be reworded to something more meaningful such as "You are about to delete XX number for shift/s. Select Confirm or Cancel".




Incident # 14292226


Special Characters within Scheduler/Availability Comment results in a display issue for Employee Profile and ECP

Not able to modify the Scheduler/Availability Comments in both Employee Profile and ECP when there was a special character entered into the Scheduler/Availability Comments previously.


Fixed. Added escapeXml="false" in c:out tag to escape special characters in employee, call log and availability comments.


Incident # 14279837


No employee loan request email when being the manager of both Borrowing Store and loaning store

There is no employee loan request email when being the manager of both borrowing store and loaning store.


Fixed. The restriction to not send email from the same user to him/herself has been removed.


Incident # 14157810


Localization issues for Compass - Iteration 3

Localization issues for interation 3, incident # 14157810.


All issues in this iteration have been fixed.


Incident # 14304129


SQL Fields Visible even when JVM parameter is set to false

SQL fields are visible and should not appear when JVM parameter is set to false.




Incident # 14319622


Problem opening shift template

In the Schedule Templates form, an application error occurs when trying to open a shift template for a team.


Fixed. Updated loadShiftReqShifts in ScheduleTemplateServiceImpl to take in template start date instead of using current date when loading shifts.


Incident # 14300993


Auto-Assignment "Honor Availability" rule is violating employee availability

When the "Honor Availability" rule is configured, if the employee has a 14-day availability pattern where days 1-7 have different availability from days 8-14, Auto-Assignment is assigning shifts that violate the employee's availability.


Fixed. Same resolution as of POST-16072.


Incident # 14301918


Employee availability overrides are not honored for Auto-Assignment "Honor Availability" rule.

Once the employee has availability overrides, Auto-Assignment is assigning shifts that comply with the employee's default availability pattern but violate the employee's availability overrides.


Fixed. Added logic in availability service to handle two week availability pattern.


Incident # 14319667


Prior Pay Period Warning Message is not Showing in Sched Times W Breaks Override Pop-up

When applying the Sched Times W Breaks Override for a date in a previous pay period, a warning message is not displayed in the pop-up. A warning message is displayed in the other override pop-ups.


Fixed by implementing the warning message for the Sched Times W Breaks Override pop-up.


Incident # 14157810


Localization issues for Compass - Iteration 4

Localization issues for interation 4, incident # 14157810.


All issues in this iteration have been fixed.


Incident # 14078348


Migration Tool - Migrating records in BALANCE_TRANSFER results in loss of data

When migrating data in the BALANCE_TRANSFER table between two environments, there appears to be one scenario where the results of the migration are not what we expect. Instead of the source and destination databases matching, they do not.

In this scenario, the source has two rows, and the destination has one row. The one row in the destination matches the first row in the source, and the second row in the source does not exist in the destination. The expectation is that the second row in the source will be copied to the destination and the existing row in the destination will be untouched. However, the tool instead updates the existing row in the destination to look like the second row in the source, effectively removing the data that used to be there.


Fixed. Added 2 columns in the unique key.


Incident # 14336800


UDF Fields in Shift Configuration's Activity upon updating and saving the details will not save successfully.

Updating shift activity such as UDF2 in Activities (Shift Configuration) results into the selected value not being saved to the database. This issue is currently happening as well in the customer's Dev, Test, and Prod environments for the Late Rule and Cost Center. Other values are successfully saved.


Fixed. Instead of hard coding to set/grab the UDF fields using the <input> element, use the API of wb-field.js. This javascript file knows the field type, and can grab/set the correct value based on the UDF field type.


Incident # 14211408


Consecutive days can be booked off in ASV with an activity mapped to time off type

Employees cannot request three consecutive days off in Time Off Planner if the maximum consecutive days of the time off type is set to 1. However, three consecutive days can be booked off in ASV for the employee with the activity mapped to the same time off type.


Fixed by propagating all book offs of a specific time off type for an employee at once, allowing this case to be caught.


Incident # 14336498


Migration Tool - Cannot Migrate Shift Premium Zone Table or FO

For the migration tool, attempt to compare/migrate any Shift Premium Zone from one environment to another. The Migration Tool errors out and gives a message of "Table SHIFT_PREMIUM_ZONE_DTTYPE is not defined".


Fixed. Added definition for SHIFT_PREMIUM_ZONE_DTTYPE for both table and functional object types.


Incident # 14339806


double slash // when using registry CUSTOM_LOGOUT_PAGE

When using the CUSTOM_LOGOUT_PAGE registry and logging out, the logout page's URL contains double slashes:


Fixed. Removed the double encoding.
