MVS resolved issues

Total: 14 issues



Employee X lock icon is not displayed in STC

In Central Staffing, a lock icon is not displayed for a terminated employee.





KPI coverage displayed in the center zone job/unit cards

Staff coverage is displayed in the Schedule Zone to help determine which units or jobs require additional staff and which ones are overstaffed. Staff coverage in the Schedule Zone is displayed as ratios that compare the number of assigned employees to the staffing requirement, using Full Time Equivalent (FTE) units.

Staffing requirements are defined by generating workload requirements from Staffing Requirements Templates. When available, coverage requirements imported from Infor Care Workload are used to define staffing requirements.



Poster notification message is overriden by workbrain message when the Manager approved the claimer request that has compliance for poster as well

When a manager approves a claim request that has schedule compliance violations for both the poster and claimer, the "successful shift posted" message is overridden.


Fixed by WFM-25812.



Comment Popup in Central Staffing

You can enter shift comments to record scheduling decisions or other notes related to a shift and communicate them to other users. Shift comments can be added to a shift using the Shift Comments pop-up when editing schedules in Central Staffing. A gray arrow is displayed in shift cards for shifts that have one or more comments. Users can view comments created on a shift in Central Staffing when viewing the same shift in ASV or in the MR or OTS edit screen.



Update the Desktop and ETM Billboard Notifications to Display the Same Information as Mobility

Workmail notifications for Shift Billboard have been updated to ensure that the same details are displayed when users open the messages in mobility, ETM, and the desktop application.



‘Description’ edit icon should be displayed under ‘Description’ label when the text field is empty

In an MR/OTS, the Edit icon for the Description field should be displayed under the field label when the text field is empty.





STC - Adding checkbox toggle to exclude OFF shifts

In Central Staffing, the Exclude OFF Shifts check box can be selected to not show shifts that have been fully booked off using activities with an Off activity type. Exclude OFF Shifts can be enabled separately for the Schedule Zone and Float Pool Zone. This can be useful if you want to exclude shifts from the displayed schedule or float pool that have been booked off for schedule adjustments, but include shifts booked off for employee absences or approved time off.



ASV - Adding checkbox toggle to exclude OFF shifts

The Exclude OFF shifts check box has been added to the Schedule Selection panel in ASV. This check box can be selected to not show shifts that have been fully booked off using activities with an Off activity type. This can be useful if you want to exclude shifts from the displayed schedule that have been booked off for schedule adjustments, but include shifts booked off for employee absences or approved time off.



'Comments' button does nothing for non-MVS LTAs in ASV Details Edit mode

In ASV Details Edit mode, clicking the Comments button for non-MVS LTAs has no effect.





Shift with long name is overlapping Unit in Shift comment popup of ASV-details edit mode

In ASV Details Edit mode, a shift with a long name overlaps the Unit field in the Shift Comments window.


Fixed by modifying header to accommodate longer text and added … for overlapping text.



Input validation error when adding comment to shifts in MR / OTS not clear

In ASV Mass Edit mode, an input validation error occurs when trying to add a comment containing ">" or "<" to a shift.


Fixed by encoding the comment before sending.



User should be able to see "no clock punches" icon for the partially booked off shift in central staffing

In Central Staffing, the Clock status icon is missing for a partially booked off shift.





change clock status soho tooltip to html tooltip

The tool tip for the Clock Status icon was changed from SoHo to HTML for performance reasons.



Notification message shows an error icon in ETM/desktop for the cancelled notification

When a posted shift is cancelled in the ASV, an error icon is displayed in the cancellation notification in ETM and desktop.


Fixed by adding a flag icon to match the icon displayed in mobility.
