POST resolved issues

Total: 16 issues


Incident # 13981599


Security Matrix - issues found on user EMVS_AVP_SCHEDULER

Break controls are misaligned in ASV Details Edit mode, when certain buttons or labels are hidden using security options.


Fixed the alignment of break controls, and fixed an issue where the label corresponding with a button would not be hidden when the button was hidden.


Incident # 14558565


Duplicate Time Off Planner entries generated when OTS shifts applied to existing unscheduled leave period

Time Off Planner is displaying duplicate entries when existing leaves have been created before an OTS is processed on overlapping dates.




Incident # 14935132, 15158998, 15158963


ASV Add Ad-hoc shift form does not respect Required = Yes on labor metric DBlookups

Users can create ad-hoc shifts in ASV and Central Staffing with blank labor metric values even though the labor metric field is configured as a required field.


Fixed the validation for required labor metric fields in Central Staffing and ASV to not allow ad-hoc shifts to be created when required labor metric fields are left blank.


Incident # 14771775, 15077154


Publish button remains after ASV published if employee has shift from another team with an unpublished schedule

The Publish button is displayed in ASV when all the shifts for the currently loaded teams are published, but one of the employees has shifts from a different team that are not published.


Fixed by adding a check to display the Publish button only when the unpublished shifts are for one of the loaded teams.


Incident # 14976026, 15215223


Shift swaps are rejected with relief shift locked message when we swap with overnight shifts

Shift trades are being rejected for overnight shifts with the message that an employees' relief shift is locked. In each case, the shifts are for the same position and the same skills, and the user is not able to find any shift locks for either employee. None of the employees appear to have any shift compliance errors.


Fixed. Excluded shift swap locks from swap validation.


Incident # 15012613


ASV Mass Edit copy shifts function continues to load when completed form is saved and does not stop.

Loading gets stuck when copying shifts using Mass Edit mode in ASV. This issue is caused by getting an undefined value when loading an employee rotation row.


Fixed by adding copied employee along with the rotation name.


Incident # 15019000


MessagingNamesLookupUI Issue with Usernames containing @ symbol

A system error occurs when adding users by email address to the Workmail Notification field for the Publish Schedule task.


Fixed by removing old code for the lookup that was causing the error when an @ symbol was included in the specified user name.


Incident # 15016625


HTTP500 error when trying to process master rotation

An HTTP500 error can occur when re-processing a Master Rotation when rotation shifts overlap filled relief shifts.




Incident # 14959259


Application installer getting "not enough space" errors on different region formats

The Windows Installer incorrectly states that there are 0MB available when opened using the Dutch (Netherlands) region setting.


Fixed by replacing the digit-group separator ',' with '.' using regex in Dutch and parsing the number string to Long.


Incident # 14896289


POST-18045 changed the functionality of SAW Date Selection dropdown which is now out of sync with Timesheet

In SAW, when the user selects a date selection that depends on the pay group (for example, CURRENT PAY PERIOD) and then changes the start or end date, the Date Selection field is not changed to "Manual Date Range". This behavior is inconsistent with the timesheet.

This issue is a regression caused by POST-18045. As part of that fix, the Date Selection field is not set to "Manual Date Range" if the date selection depends on the pay group.


Fixed. If the user enters a manual date range, the Date Selection field is set to "Manual Date Range" regardless of whether the date selection depends on the pay group. In addition, the correct date range is displayed when navigating to the next or previous pay period.


Incident # 15141693


Error loading a shift in Relief management

An application error occurs when a user tries to book off an employee in ASV and then tries to access the Relief Management screen.


Fixed by setting the relief block ID to null when copying a shift.


Incident # 14667338


Refix (clone) of POST-17449 - Incorrect Employee Calendars in Self-Scheduling

Different self-scheduling dates are displayed in the calendar when an employee opens the RTSS from the workmail or from the menu path in ETM.


Applied the same fix as in POST-17449, but using the schedule start and end dates to load the RTSS schedule.



Introduce Ability to Search Labor Metrics in ETM

Search fields have been added to the pop-ups displayed when a user changes their job, docket, department, or time code in ETM.


Incident # 15182318, 15206215


Clock Widget in ETM not using ETM_CLOCK_FACTOR_TIME_ZONE Registry Parameter to choose time

The Clock Widget in ETM is using the server time zone instead of the appropriate time zone specifiied in the ETM_CLOCK_FACTOR_TIME_ZONE registry parameter.





POST-17781 Backport to 70X

MR is publishing in the retro period during which a row assignment was using employee costing and the employee has multiple cost centers in EDLA override. When the same row assignment is extended in the future, the retro period is being republished as well, causing unapproved records and potential underpayment.


Fixed by preventing new shift summaries from being recreated.
