Flyway configuration options

Flyway comes with numerous configuration options which are contained in the file. These configuration options can be useful in resolving Flyway migration failures.

Note: Always use the file that is provided with your patch/build since it will contain the latest configuration settings for running Flyway properly. If you re-use an existing file, there is a risk of configuration errors that will cause a Flyway failure.
Option Default value when not set Description
Note: Refer to the file for a more comprehensive description.
migration.runas INSTALL Should be set to UPGRADE if updating an existing database..
migration.outOfOrder false Allows you to execute a migration earlier in the sequence from the previously executed migration. For example, if you are currently at version 10 but are running Flyway that has a new migration at version 5, setting this flag to true will permit 5 to run. This option should be set to true on upgrades from a maintenance version. Should be set to false if upgrading from a .0 version.
migration.protectCustomData true Ensures that data changed by the customer is not overridden. Must be set to true.
migration.failOnWarning false Ensures that any warning raised by Flyway will result in a failure. Since protecting customer data results in a warning, this option should be set to false.
migration.ignoreMissingMigrations true Allows you to execute Flyway with a set of migrations that does not contain all migrations previously executed.
migration.auditEnabled false See Flyway audit logging for more information.
migration.repairOnStart false When Flyway is in an error state, this option does not allow for a rerun even if the issue is fixed. Setting this option to true permits running without first restoring the database. This option needs to be used with caution as it may result in data corruption.