LFSO resolved issues

Total: 4 issues



Fix locking employee emp_id = -1 when creating DELETE override

In emplock log, a locking employee ID of -1 is frequently observed when importing schedule detail records. The issue occurs when an employee balance record is locked before the OVERRIDE record is deleted.


Fixed by using the EMP_ID field from the OVERRIDE record to be deleted to lock employee.



Schedule Detail Import Interface task doesn't show correct parameter value for 'Auto recalc after saving shifts'

In the Schedule Detail Import Interface task, after clearing the Auto recalc after saving shifts parameter and saving, the check box remains selected upon reopening the parameter page.


Fixed by assigning the correct parameter to the input field.



Add debug info to help find corrupted job scheduler task data which blocks the display of Job Scheduler page

An invalid task can cause the Job Scheduler page to not be displayed.


Fixed by adding the Log4j log level DEBUG to help identify the task record that blocks the display of the Job Scheduler page.



Performance Improvement for the WorkedLastNextNDays condition used in T&A calculation

The Worked Last Next N Days Condition takes about 10% of the total transaction time in employee recalc, which is mostly loading data from the database.


Fixed by eliminating unnecessary data loading to improve performance.
