WFM general resolved issues

Total: 3 issues



Ability to see start and end times of applied leaves in MR / OTS

When leaves created from MVS book offs are displayed in the Master Rotation (MR) and One-time Schedule (OTS) edit screens, users can hover over leaves to view the corresponding book-off times and activities. This also applies to shifts that were booked off by other MVS features such as shift swaps, floats, or Shift Billboard transactions.

See "Schedule conflicts" in the Infor Workforce Management Multiview Scheduler User Guide.


Incident # 15365534


Timesheet Filter to Select Employees by Home Team Only

When viewing timesheets or approval worksheets for a team, you can use the Home Team Only filter to select only employees whose home team is the specified team. Employees who are on that team because of a temporary team assignment are excluded. The new filter is available in the Daily Timesheet, Weekly Timesheet, and Supervisor Approval Worksheet.



NPE occurred when trying to run the Balance Detail and Balance Summary Reports when both EmpId and Team are empty

When running the Balance Detail or Balance Summary reports in Cognos without specifying values for the Employee ID and Team parameters, a NullPointerException occurs.


