POST resolved issues

Total: 10 issues


Incident # 14387209


GRTW shift via form, no validation prompt when deleting/changing the shift

When assigning a shift to an employee using a custom form, an exception occurs on the form after the shift is deleted in the ASV.

The data.getTransactionPerformed() method in the API returns the wrong action. Instead of returning the delete action, it returns the adhoc shift creation action.


Fixed by correctly passing the remove action if the delete action is being performed.


Incident # 14493971


Float Shift discrepancy in between 6.2 and 6.4 core instances

When a shift is successfully floated from ASV, the action shown in the Shift History is Book Off instead of Float Shift.


Fixed. The action that created the book off is shown in the Shift History. In addition, a migration was created to fix invalid records.


Incident # 14451391


/ by zero error when trying to create schedule for some locations

When trying to create schedules for specific locations using a schedule profile or new definition, a "/ by zero" error occurs.




Incident # 14498134


ORA-00001: unique constraint (WORKBRAIN.UK_WBDELHST_TBLCAT_REC_ID) violated_ORA-06512: at "WORKBRAIN.WB_CHGHST_AD" when regenerating a LFSO schedule

When trying to regenerate the schedule a second time or deleting the schedule after its regeneration, a "Unique constraint violated" error occurs.


Fixed. Whenever regenerating any schedule, all the existing data related to that schedule is first deleted from the database. The newly returned data from the Dash server is then inserted using a new schedule ID instead of the same schedule ID.


Incident # 14506576


[ROLLBACK]"ORA-02291: integrity constraint (WORKBRAIN.FK_SHIFTHIST_SHSUM_PARENT_ID) violated - parent key not found" error occurs on POST-14956_AddMissingShiftSwapHistory

Flyway error occurs when trying to migrate from to


Fixed by reverting POST-14956.


Incident # 14508054


Changing fieldUI to hidden for some workbrain fields on MVS

When hiding the Auto Row Naming field for a Master Rotation, the field label is still displayed.


Fixed. When the field is configured as HiddenUI, the label and check box are hidden.


Incident #


Change all shift label validation to backend validation

An unresponsive screen occurs in the ASV after clicking Simple Edit.


Fixed by removing the loading of shift labels to the front end because of performance issues. All shift label validation is now done in the back end.


Incident # 14511389


Daily Overtime Rule counts records with ineligible hour types on prior day toward Hour Set calculation when 'Can Continue From Yesterday' parameter is used

The Daily Overtime Plus Rule counts records with ineligible hour types on the prior day toward the hour set calculation when the Can Continue From Yesterday parameter is selected.

Example rule configuration:

  • Hour Set Description: REG=480, OT1=9999
  • Work Detail Hour Types: REG
  • Work Detail Time Codes: WRK
  • Overtime Reset Description: GAP=1
  • Can Continue From Yesterday?: Selected
  • Required Rest: 480
  • Apply overtime to work detail records: Selected
  • First hour type changes work detail hour types: Selected
  • Assign equal or better hour type to eligible work details: Selected

For example, an employee has 2 hours on the previous work day from 17:00 to 19:00 with the WRK time code and the OT1 hour type. On the current work day, the employee has 9 hours of WRK from 2:00 to 11:00, which are calculated by the rule as 6 hours of REG (2:00 to 8:00) and 3 hours of OT1 (8:00 to 11:00). Although the hours on the previous day are within the 8 hours of specified rest time, those hours should not be eligible since OT1 was not specified in the Work Detail Hour Types parameter.

The issue occurs because yesterday's eligible hour types are calculated using the hour types from both the Hour Set Description and Work Detail Hour Types parameters.


Fixed by adding a new rule parameter named "Limit to Eligible Details" under the Can Continue From Yesterday parameter. By default, the Limit to Eligible Details parameter is not selected to preserve the current behavior. When the Limit to Eligible Details parameter is selected, only the configured eligible parameters will be used to calculate the minutes from yesterday. Using the scenario above, the rule would calculate 8 hours of REG and 1 hour of OT1 on the current work day, as the OT1 hours on the previous day would not be eligible.

The hour types in the Hour Set Description parameter are still used to determine the rest period between yesterday and today.


Incident # 14511999


IndexOutOfBoundsException when running flyway on

Duplicate of POST-16592.


Incident # 14422463


ASV application error "shift with id X is not loaded" PROD on some units after deploying HF from POST-16343

After deploying the fix from POST-16343, the "Shift with id X is not loaded" error is still occurring when loading ASV for some teams and schedule periods.

This issue was caused by the migration incorrectly deleting a detail.


