POST resolved issues

Total: 24 issues


Incident # 13647692


Migration Tool missing MVS Activity Type MAP

Migration tool does not allow users to migrate the Activity Type Map in MVS.


Fixed by adding ES_ACT_TYPE_MAP table in schema.xml.


Incident # 14013186, 14053262


Error in Timesheet Prevents Further Edits in ASV or TOC to be applied/canceled Successfully

When a custom error rule with Stop Execution set to false adds an error to the timesheet, edits cannot be made in ASV or Time Off Planner to the schedule for the timesheet period.


Fixed with these changes:

  • Error or warnings are created depending on the value of the Stop Execution parameter.
  • The default value has been changed for WrksFlagBrk when creating a new shift in ASV.
  • The value is saved when RuleEngineException is thrown.


Incident # 14081112


Flyway Errors while upgrading to

Flyway fails to upgrade to version due to a foreign key violation on the migration WFM-19140_Layered_Shift_History_Repair_Migration.

Fixed by updating the work activity ID based on the current shift data.


Incident # 14077689


Mass Edit - Shift label is not fully displayed in the form

Shift labels are not fully displayed in the Edit Shift pop-up in Mass Edit mode in ASV.


Fixed by increasing the width available to display the shift label.


Incident # 14115538


The Employee card displayed when hovering over an employee's name in the OTS edit screen displays information for a different employee. This issue can be reproduced when adding rows to an OTS that has over 36 rows.


Fixed by erasing Employee card tooltip content when the assigned employee or assignment dates are changed. Content for the Employee card is initialized upon receiving data to display.


Incident # 14121968


MR cannot be created/activation error

An application error occurs when creating an MR or OTS for a team where there are no employees for the selected date range.


Fixed by adding validation to display an error message if the user attempts to create a rotation that would not have any rows.


Incident # 14132592


Shift Link error when attempting to load RCA

An error occurs when loading shifts in Relief Queue. This issue was caused when a book off was canceled after its pending shift has been swapped (or acted upon in any other way). The cancel validator allowed the book off to be canceled because it ignored the child shift due to its non-null relief status (Pending/RNN/RNF).


Fixed the validator so that the cancel book-off action would not be allowed. Added java migration to fix existing bad data.


Incident # 14268888


Book-Off and Cancel Book-Off time taken - 6.1.6 versus 6.3

The application performs slowly when booking off a shift or canceling a book off in ASV.


Improved performance by changing how team permissions are checked in Time Off Planner and core MVS validation.


Incident # 14136831


Possibility of editing Employees lookup field on Mass Edit form

Employees field in the Mass Edit Creation maintenance form cannot be configured.


Fixed by updating the localization tag and controlField tag to use the same overrideID.


Incident # 14192858


Shift changes on ASV not retained when rotation is re-published

Detail edits on shifts published from an MR are removed when the row in the MR is reprocessed after assignment changes on the row that do not include the shift date.




Incident # 14199497


Shifts are missing the department and cost center

When the SUMMARY_TO_DETAIL_UDF_FLG_MAPPER_SVC callout is enabled, shift details for ad-hoc shifts are missing shift detail UDF and flag values that are configured for the shift.


Fixed by POST-15634.


Incident # 14223840


Self-Scheduling are failing due to the system looking at optional skills

Registry parameter ALLOW_MVS_OPT_SKILLS has been introduced to allow employees to select shifts in Self Scheduling when they are missing optional skill qualifications. When this registry is set to TRUE, employees may select shifts where they do not meet one or more optional skill qualifications, as long as they have the required mandatory skill and job qualifications. When this registry is set to FALSE, employees may only select shifts if they have all the required qualifications, including jobs, mandatory skills, and optional skills.


Incident # 14229990, 14214438


Configure CurrencyUI field precision. Precision 0 do not work as expected

When the Precision parameter is set to 0 for CurrencyUI fields, the currency value is still displayed with two decimal places.


Fixed by supporting 0 as the minimum allowed value for the Precision parameter.


Incident # 14203585


MR/OTS shifts have missing Flags and UDFs

When the SUMMARY_TO_DETAIL_UDF_FLG_MAPPER_SVC callout is enabled, shift details for shifts published from an MR or OTS do not have shift detail UDF and flag values that are configured for the shift.


Fixed by these changes:

  • By default, the UDFs / Flags on activities on each detail will be applied to the detail before persistence.
  • Users can override these UDFs using the SUMMARY_TO_DETAIL_UDF_FLG_MAPPER_SVC if they have that configured.
  • An issue has been fixed where the SUMMARY_TO_DETAIL_UDF_FLG_MAPPER_SVC callout was not being called on MROTS processing.
  • In the "Add Shift" pop-up in ASV, users will need to enable an "Override" check box to override the UDFs and Flags. This check box automatically enables itself when users modify a custom field.



Unable to update a record in the Payroll Based Journal Mapping form

An error is displayed when trying to specify a non-numerical value in the CMS Job Title Code field in the Payroll Based Journal Job Mapping maintenance form.


Fixed by changing the JOB_PBJ_TITLE_CODE field to a NumberUI field to prevent users from entering text.


Incident # 14160308


Mobility Time Off Approval error

When submitting a single request from the Time Off Calendar for multiple days with a day gap in between (for example, January 20-21 and January 23-24), a NullPointerException occurs in the Time Off Approval page in mobility.




Incident # 14146421


Weekly Timesheet - Copy 'Elapsed Time' Override Using 'Same as Last Week' Function

Elapsed time overrides from the previous week are not copied to the current week when copying in the Weekly Timesheet using the Same as Last Week option in the Enter Elapsed Time section.


Fixed by getting the Previous Week Elapsed Time Page and using an if condition to avoid replacing this page with empty fields.


Incident # 14223964


Email address format not supported

Users receive a message when specifying an email address that has a hyphen in the Update employee info page in mobility.


Fixed by updating the regular expression used for email addresses to include hyphens.


Incident # 14229990, 14214438


Configure CurrencyUI field precision. Precision 1 do not work as expected

Original Cost and Current Cost fields in the LFSO Schedule screen display the cost with two decimal places even when the precision parameter is configured as 1 for these fields.


Fixed by updating the code to consider the CurrencyUI field precision parameter for Original Cost and Current Cost fields.


Incident # 14277503


RCA-Employee Pool is empty after user clicks on the next page and the call list parameter is cleared resulting with an error

When the employee call list is greater than two pages long, the application fails to display the other available call list employees, after a user clicks on one of the next page links more than two times.


Fixed by populating the RCA filter options when the page navigation buttons are clicked.


Incident # 13629507


MVS - System error when attempting to clear unpublished changes

A system error occurs in the legacy Multiview Scheduler when clearing unpublished changes.


Fixed by handling null values when an employee does not have overrides on a given date.


Incident # 14277271


System error prompt after sending shifts to Que from MR [Vacant (Que) shifts has the issue, not Vacant shifts]

A system error occurs when opening the Relief Queue after sending shifts to the Relief Queue when processing an MR.


Fixed by rerunning codegen which now includes batching for very large queries.


Incident # 14276834


In RQ error after clicking on partially filled or multiple relief shift

A blank pop-up window is displayed after clicking on a partially filled shift in Relief Queue, for example, a vacant shift that was partially filled for the first portion of the shift.


Fixed by updating the database query.


Incident # 14332120


The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_SHIFTHIST_SLH_ID".

After running the hotfix provided for POST-15672, an error occurs when Flyway runs the migration script: 20191213134205629-WFM-23355_RemoveBadARLinks.


Migration was updated to be able to handle multiple invalid shift histories.
