Cognos resolved issues

Total: 4 issues



Cognos standard model, query subject VIEW_PARSE_CLOCKS_MOD2 Error when selecting from views VL_CLOCK_TRAN_TYPE and VIEW_PARSE_CLOCKS when localization of VL_CLOCK_TRAN_TYPE is turned on

When localization of the VL_CLOCK_TRAN_TYPE view is enabled, an error occurs in the Cognos standard model, with the VIEW_PARSE_CLOCKS_MOD2 query subject:

Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

The query subject is used by the Employee Punches by Day report.


Fixed by adding filter "where VIEW_PARSE_CLOCKS.WRKS_CLOCKS is not null" to the select query.



Cognos: Balance Summary Report

The Balance Summary report was timing out due to performance issues.


Fixed. The Balance Summary report now only displays balances for active employees.



Cognos: Balance Detail Report

The Balance Detail report was timing out due to performance issues since the report is executed for all employees (inactive/active).


Fixed. The Balance Detail report now only displays balances for active employees.



Cognos Reports: Remove hard-coded $ in column labels in all Cognos Reports

Removed the $ sign from the data rows of the following reports:

  • Premium\Cross-Industry\Premium Detailed Time Code by Employee.xml
  • Premium\Cross-Industry\Premium Employee Overtime.xml
  • Premium\Cross-Industry\Premium Time Code by Team.xml
  • Premium\Healthcare\Healthcare - Cost Summary Report.xml
  • Premium\Healthcare\Healthcare - Nurse Manager KPIs.xml
  • Premium\Retail\Forecast vs. Actual Labor Performance Graphs.xml
  • Premium\Retail\Forecast vs. Actual Labor Performance.xml
  • Standard\Work Adjustment Report.xml

Also made changes to these reports:

  • Enterprise Productivity Report.xml: Renamed 'Payroll Dollars' with 'Payroll Cost' and removed the localized labels
  • Healthcare - Cost Summary Report.xml: Renamed 'Total Paid Dollars' with 'Total Paid', and removed the localized labels (Page one and page two)
