Creating Unstaffed Shifts Using the Batch Process

The batch process for creating unstaffed shifts uses the configuration on the Staffing Requirements page to generate unstaffed shifts for a schedule, which can then be staffed automatically or manually using the MVS.

To run the batch process, you need to add a task to the registry and then add a new Job Scheduler task. At the scheduled time or upon request, you can run the batch process to populate the schedule period with the required unstaffed shifts (as defined in the staffing requirements).

On subsequent runs of the task, unstaffed shifts are only updated if changes exist. If there are no changes, the schedule remains the same.

You can also manually run the batch process from the Staffing Requirements page. For more information, see Unstaffed shifts.

To use the batch process to create unstaffed shifts:

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Registry Maintenance.
  2. Add a registry parameter in the location system > task > X, where X is the task name you want to create.
  3. Set the registry parameter type to java.lang.String.
  4. Set the registry parameter value to:
  5. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Job Scheduler.
  6. Add a new Job Scheduler entry for the batch process task.
  7. Click Edit beside the new entry and configure the Job Scheduler entry settings as required.
  8. Click Run Now to run the job (and the batch process) immediately.

For more information about the Job Scheduler, see the Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.