Preparing actuals for plan generation

The budgeting modules use historical data to predict future results. This historical data is called actuals, because it is actual data rather than forecasted data.

There are the following types of actuals:

  • payroll costs, which originate in the Human Resources or Payroll department
  • point-of-sale data, such as revenue, which originates in a point-of-sale system
  • non-productive hours, such as vacation, holidays, unpaid leave, and sick days, which are configured in Payroll Settings and originate in the Timesheet

The following table describes how the budgeting modules use these imported actuals.

Budget Creation Module Budget Management Module
Payroll Actuals Uses actual AHR (average hourly rate) to forecast future AHR.
Point-of-Sale (POS) Actuals Uses data to create drivers. By default, it uses sales actuals, although it can be configured to use any other defined actuals. Uses sales actuals to calculate forecasted sales.
Non-Productive Hours Uses data aggregated from the Timesheet. Uses data from the imported reference budget.

Both payroll and point-of-sale actuals are imported into the application by Infor Consulting Services. Therefore, that data must be loaded from one LFSO table into another LFSO table in the database before the data is aggregated to daily values.

System administrators must perform these steps to prepare actuals data for the budgeting modules:

  1. Loading Payroll and Point-of-Sale Actuals.
  2. Aggregating Payroll and Point-of-Sale Actuals.
  3. Aggregating Actual Non-Productive Hours.