Configuring break rules

In LFSO Auto-Assignment, the Break Rules tab is where you determine when breaks must be added to a shift. A break rule defines when shifts include breaks, the break activities, and the possible start times for breaks. Multiple break rules can be created for different shift lengths and times.

See Break rules for a detailed explanation of how break rules work, including examples.

  1. From the Configuration page for the Auto-Assignment group, select the Break Rules tab.
  2. Specify this information to create a break rule:
    Shift Min Length
    The minimum number of hours long a shift must be to include the break activities.
    Shift Max Length
    The maximum number of hours long a shift can be to include the break activities.
    Starts Before
    Optionally, specify the latest start time for a shift that includes the break activities. For example, only shifts that begin on or before 10:00 AM have the included breaks. This field can be left blank.
    Ends After
    Optionally, specify the earliest end time for a shift that includes the break activities. For example, only shifts that end on or after 5:00 PM have the included breaks. This field can be left blank.
  3. Click Add Break Rule.
    The Activities sub-form is displayed. This is where break activities are defined for the break rule.
  4. Specify this information to add a break activity:
    Select the activity for the break.
    Select the duration of the break activity.
  5. Define the allowed start times for the break using either the Hours Range From/Hours Range To fields or the Break starts between fields. Using one of these options disables the other option.
    Hours Range From/Hours Range To
    Use these options to assign breaks relative to the start time of the shift. In the Hours Range From field, specify the minimum number of hours into the shift that the break activity can start. In the Hours Range To field, specify the maximum number of hours into the shift the break can start.

    For example, if the Hours Range From value is 3 and the Hours Range To value is 5, the break rule ensures employees are scheduled this break activity between 3 and 5 hours after the shift starts. An employee scheduled from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM receives the break activity with a start time between 12:00PM and 2:00PM.

    Break starts between
    Use these options to specify the exact times when breaks must be scheduled. In the first field, specify the earliest start time for the break activity, and specify the latest start time in the second field. Shifts must contain the entire specified time range to include the break activity.
  6. Click Add Break Activity.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 to add additional break activities to a break rule.
  9. Repeat steps 2 to 7 to add additional break rules.
  10. To edit an existing break rule or break activity:
    1. Click the pencil icon.
    2. Make the changes and then click Update Break Rule or Update Break Activity.
    3. Click Save.
  11. To delete a break rule or break activity, click the garbage can icon and then click Save.