Two-Finger Scanner

  1. Press the Supervisor button.
    The message to enter the Manager’s Badge is displayed.
  2. Specify your Supervisor ID.
  3. Press the Enroll button.
  4. Press 1 to Enroll.
    The message to enter the ID badge to enroll is displayed.
  5. Specify the ID of the employee that you want to enroll.
    The message to place the employee’s fingers on the reader is displayed.
  6. The employee must press and hold their index and middle fingers on the scanner. The two pegs on the scanner should be between the employee’s two fingers, as shown:

    The message for the employee to remove their fingers is displayed.

  7. The employee must remove their fingers and place them back on the scanner as prompted. The clock will prompt the employee two more times.
    A message is displayed saying that enrollment was successful after the employee is enrolled. If a message is displayed saying that the Enrollment failed, you must repeat the enrollment steps. Ensure that the employee follows the proper finger placement.