Virtually all companies have extensive training programs that they must administer. These programs tend to be managed with legacy systems. These systems have difficulty tracking the courses that are taken and the remaining gaps for employees. The Training Qualifications module solves this problem by bringing a workflow-based approach to training administration.
This module lets a system administrator link courses to skills and skills to jobs. Therefore, employees qualify for a job by passing the courses that create the skills that are required for a job. When an employee completes all of the courses for a skill that is associated with a job, the course administrator updates the Employee Skills section of the Employee Details page. The Skills and Training Import Interface task can also be set up to update the association between courses and skills.
After a system administrator sets up Training Qualifications (for example, by setting up courses or entering courses in the course calendar), employees can perform tasks such as enroll in a course, view a course status, and withdraw from a course. To enroll or withdraw from a course, an employee must submit a Course Registration or Course Withdrawal form for supervisor approval. If the supervisor approves the employee’s request, the course enrollment information is updated accordingly.