Job Qualification Update Task
The Job Qualification Update Task checks each Employee Skills section of the Employee Details page for the required skills that are specified for each job. If the employee skills match the job skill requirements, this task adds the job to the Employee Job section of the Employee Details page. If the employee skills do not match the job skills, this task does not update the job expiration date on the Employee Job section of the Employee Details page.
Each job has an expiry date that matches the skill expiry date. When a job has multiple skill requirements, the expiry date for the job is the skill expiry date that is first to expire. When an employee's qualification period ends without the employee renewing the required course, the job expires on the Employee Job section. If a new skill or course requirement is added for a job, the next time the Job Qualification Update Task runs the expiry date changes accordingly for the employees who previously qualified for the job.
The Job Qualification Update Task only considers jobs that have the Job Exclude from Qualify (Job Exc Frm Qlfy) field set to No or left blank. This is a UDF field (Job_Val10 by default) that you must configure. See Configuring the job UDF.
You can set the Job Qualification Update task to run daily.
Ensure you manually assign Y in the Job Exc Frm Qlfy field (UDF) for all jobs you do not want to be assigned to employees using the Job Qualification Update Task.