Course types are used to categorize and organize the courses in the system. Each course must belong to a course type. Examples of courses include Grinding and CPR; both of which belong to the ISO-9000 course type.
Course details
The Courses page contains the Courses Detail section.
In the Courses Detail section, you can define general course information such as name, description, and course type. You can also define more detailed information such as how long the course is valid for, the grade required to pass the course, etc.
The course administrator uses the Course Valid for (Months) value to calculate the Stempskl End Date value in the Employee Skills section of the Employee Details page.
When the Skill Expiry Notification Task runs, a message is sent to the employee using the Notify within (Days) value and the Notification Message contents. Messages are also sent to the employees that are listed in the Additional lookup.