course location
The address where the training course takes place.
course type
Broad categories that are used to organize courses. Typical
course types include Management, Administration, Production, Safety, and
elapsed period
The number of days since the form was
Employee Transaction Manager (ETM)
A user-friendly, self-service, Internet-based system
that provides employees and management convenient ways to interact. The ETM
application lets employees view personal work-related details such as work
schedules, clocks and timesheet edits, and course information.
See Employee Transaction Manager.
A problem that is encountered by the system while
attempting to process an interaction. When an exception occurs, the interaction
is interrupted and a message is sent to the designated exception
exception person
A designated person who is notified through Workmail
if an interaction encounters an exception and cannot move forward in the
An automated e-mail request concerning the system
forms (for example, course registration).
Occurs when an interaction encounters a problem and
cannot proceed through the workflow. The interaction is routed to a designated
employee (exception person) for resolution. The exception person can then
redirect the interaction to any node in the flow using the
Redirect Flow To drop-down
An employee’s enrollment status in a course
, or
A map of the form (interaction) path, determining
where the form moves within the workplace. The system workflow process begins
when an employee submits a form in the system. After the form has been
submitted, the workflow manages the interaction request by routing the request
from one workflow action to the next until the entire workflow process is