Migrated Data Report File
When an export file is imported using the Migration Tool, the Migrated Data Report displays the details of the data that was successfully migrated from the source database to the destination database. Like the Export Summary Report, the Migrated Data Report contains the following details, grouped by table:
- Any Inserts (I), Updates (U), and Deletes (D) that were made to the destination database.
- Field names, along with the fields’ old values in the destination database and the fields’ new values in the destination database.
For example, if the source database was TEST and the destination database was PROD, using the following Export Summary Report information, we can conclude the following for the AUTODEPT record in the DEPARTMENT table in the PROD (destination) database:
- In the DEPT_DESC field of the AUTODEPT record, the old value “Department for automated testing” was replaced by a blank (i.e., null) value.
- In the DEPT_START_DATE field of the AUTODEPT record, the old value “1900-0101 00:00:00 PST” was replaced by the new value of 2007-05-03 00:00:00 PDT.
- In the DEPT_FLAG1...DEPT_FLAT5 fields of the AUTODEPT record, the blank values were replaced by the value “N”.
You can access the Migrated Data Report by clicking View Migration File from the Migration Status page when you are performing the Compare and Migrate action or the Run Migration File action.
The Migrated Data Report page contains two buttons. The Save button enables you to save the report in HTML format. The Print button enables you to print the report.