Viewing an employee's balance information

Managers can view an employee's balance information by clicking the Balances button next to the employee in the Time Off Approval page.

Note: The Balances button must be enabled using security permissions.
  1. Select Time Off Approval.
  2. Click the Turn ON config mode icon.
  3. Click the security (key) icon second from the right at the top of the page (TOP_VIEW_BALANCES).
    The Security Configuration window is displayed.
  4. For each security group, select Act from the Permission Flag drop-down to show the button or select Deny to hide the button.
  5. Click Save and close the window.
    Using the TOP_VIEW_BALANCES localization option, you can configure the label for the button.

    Using the TOP_CAL_BALANCE_SUMMARY_VALUE localization option, you can configure the precision (decimal places) of the balance values. The default is 0.

  6. Click the Turn OFF config mode icon.
The Balances button is displayed next to each employee. When you click the button, the Balances modal shows all of the employee's balance information as of a selected date. The default is the current date.

Using config mode, you can localize the columns in the modal and hide the Balances as off field for users in specific security groups.