Time Off Approval page

Use the Time Off Approval page to review and approve or deny time off requests for your team.

Note: A newer Approve Time Off page is available for approving time off starting with the October 2024 update of Workforce Management.

See Approving time off

By default, any users with access to the Time Off Approval page can approve requests for the members of their teams. To enforce a more controlled approval process, approvals can be limited to users assigned to specific roles. For example, only managers can approve sick requests. Users who are assigned to other roles, such as supervisors, can view sick requests, but cannot act upon them.

In addition, permissions to approve, deny, and recall time off requests can be granted separately. For example, you might have permission to approve requests, but not to deny or recall them.

See Security group configuration.

If your company uses a multi-level approval process, a level can be associated with each role that approves time off requests. For example, PTO requests are first approved by a supervisor (level 1) and then approved by a payroll administrator (level 2).

For information on configuring the roles that can approve a time off request, see Limiting approval by role.

In addition, users with access to the Time Off Approval page can submit requests on behalf of the employees on their teams. For time off types that are defined as recallable, users with sufficient permissions can also recall previously approved requests.