Security group configuration

Most of the out-of-the-box security groups are configured by default with access to the Time Off Planner.

To add additional security groups, permissions must be granted to the Time Off Calendar maintenance form and the General Access form, if accessing the Planner using the desktop application.

If accessing the Time Off Planner using the ETM, permissions must be granted to the Vacation folder.

In addition, permissions must be granted to the Time Off Approval maintenance form for supervisors approving requests.

Permissions to approve, deny, and recall time off requests can be granted separately. For example, a security group might be granted permission to approve requests, but not to deny or recall them.

When you open the Time Off Approval popup in config mode, you will see three different security key icons above the drop-down lists on the left: APPROVE_SELECTION, DENY_SELECTION, and RECALL_SELECTION. A security group must be granted the Act permission for each action separately.

See Approving time off requests.