Task types

In the Job Scheduler, you can create tasks by selecting and configuring a pre-defined Java task type or by entering a customized shell script containing a sequence of commands. This table describes the available Java task types.

Task Type Description Reference
Add Teams to Details Specifies work details without team assignments with home team assignments.
Aggregate Task Runs a group of Job Scheduler tasks sequentially at the scheduled time of the Aggregate Task. For example, you might want to set up an Aggregate Task that sequentially runs the payroll export task for each pay group at the end of the pay period. Aggregate Task
Alert Task Sends alert or notification messages to system users. Messaging
Anytime Hours Processor Task The Anytime Hours Processor task processes Anytime Hours in the Lawson ShiftMaker to WFM Schedule-Detail-Interface (SDI). This task cannot be run independently of the SDI task.
Archive Policy Runner Used to schedule an archive task in the Job Scheduler for single-tenant and on-premises deployments.

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide

Archiving Policy Full Runner Task Runs all archiving policy definitions that are marked as Enabled by default for new installations and multi-tenant deployments.

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide

Archiving Task Runs all archiving policy definitions by default for new installations, except for the WORKBRAIN SYS STATE PURGE archiving policy. This task archives up to 3650 days ago (10 years) or a value you specify. Runs defined policies, such as Payroll Data, at specified times for the archiving and purging of data from the core data source.
Note: The WORKBRAIN SYS STATE PURGE archiving policy is also set up by default and is run by the Workbrain Sys State Purge task which is detailed below.

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide.

Asynchronous Processing Task Processes tasks asynchronously that take an extended period to complete. These tasks can be processed as asynchronous tasks so that the delay does not affect regular use of the system. After the task completes, Workmail notifies the appropriate users. Payroll close
Auto Assignment Scheduler Task Facilitates the communication between the WFM application and the FICO XPress optimization servers. To use Auto-Assignment, an Auto Assignment Scheduler Task must be scheduled in the job scheduler. Auto-Assignment Implementation Guide
Attendance Control Process Task Determines the frequency with which the application processes Attendance Management events and violation records. For example, you can set auto-processing to occur on Sundays at 12:00PM. Data is processed day by day from the last processing date to the current date. Attendance Management Guide
Balance Export Task Exports Balances separate from the Payroll Export Task. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Batch Forecasting For the forecast period defined, creates store-level forecasts of traffic patterns, based on volume indicators, such as revenue. LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide
BatchForecastTraining Trains the selected location, and its sub-locations and drivers, for machine learning forecasting by creating custom forecasting models based on historical data. LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide
BatchGenerateSchedulesWithAutoAssignment Creates a schedule at the store-level for a period, which is typically a week, using the Auto-Assignment model. If locations are using forecasts to determine staffing requirements, the Batch Forecasting task must be run before this task. Auto-Assignment Implementation Guide
Batch Scheduling Creates a schedule at the store-level for a period, which is typically a week. You must run the Batch Forecasting task before the Batch Scheduling task. LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide
BillboardCleanUpTask Removes shifts from the Shift Billboard when the shift start time is too close to the current time. Task parameters control how many minutes before the start time to remove shifts from the billboard. Shift Billboard Implementation Guide
Data Replication Task Checks which records have changed and replicates the changes to Data Lake using IMS.
Note: This task should only be set up by customers that intend to use the Data Lake feature of ION. To replicate data to Data Lake, this task requires a WFM deployment in Infor Cloud that integrates ION though IMS.
Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS
Data Replication Task For Custom Tables Replicates custom tables in single-tenant cloud deployments. Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS
Employee Table Synch Task Synchronizes the EMPLOYEE table for the current date based on overrides that span the current date. This task must be scheduled to run every midnight. Employee overrides
EMVSPublishRotationTask Processes Master Rotation (MR) and One-time Schedule (OTS) rotations. MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
EMVSUnlockShiftTask Clears locks from MVS shifts where the lock has timed out or is no longer relevant. Users can then perform edits to the unlocked shifts as required. MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
ERPWorkDetailExportTask Exports timesheet data at regular intervals and enables the ERP system to ingest that data for quantity calculations and employee labor costing/accounting. Integration Guide for Infor Factory Track and ERP Solutions
Export Task Exports the data from the database into the staging table and then transmits the data to the external system. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Export Task (CSV Query) Exports data from the database into the staging table and then transmits the data into a csv file format. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Export Task (Fixed Width Query) Exports data from the database into the staging table and then transmits the data into fixed width file format. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Failed Clock Transactions Export Retries any clock transactions that were not successfully transmitted to the external endpoint. The API call for failed instances is repeated up to the specified maximum number of retries.
File Transfer Task Used with an import/export task and translation task using the aggregate task. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Full Recalculate Task This task supplements the Recalculate Task. Run for absolute dates or relative dates as in Start of Day Task. Full Recalculate Task
Historical Volume Replication Task In crisis situations with store closures and significantly lower sales volume for many months, the Historical Volume Replication Task can be used to replicate the historical sales volume (SO_RESULTS_DETAIL table) of drivers from one period to another to aid in forecast creation. This task includes a multiplier to adjust the original data and you can also select sub-locations of the location selected. Registry parameters are also available to control the multi-threading and database batching operations for this task. LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide
Holiday Assignment Task Runs the holiday assignment process for the calculation groups specified. Holidays
Import Task Imports data from an external system into the WBINT_IMPORT table. Performed before the Interface Task. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Import Task Fixed Width Imports data from a fixed width file into the WBINT_IMPORT table. Performed before the Interface Task. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Import Task Multi Row Runs the import task for the Employee Import process. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide
IMS Bod Processing Task Processes all inbound BODs that WFM is configured to receive. For example, user information from Infor OS Portal. Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS
IMS Bod Publishing Task Publishes all outbound BODs that WFM is configured to send. For example, security group information to Infor OS Portal. Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS
IMS File Processing Task The IMS File Processing Task enables WFM to receive flat files (CSV files) without requiring a Secure FTP (SFTP) server. The IMS endpoint transfers these compressed files directly into a working folder within the Job Scheduler folders, using the IMSFileProcessing task. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide
IMS File Transfer Task Publishes files located in job scheduler directories through IMS. Exports files with a default size of 5 MiB using flat file type document names.
IMS Outbound Document Publishing Task Retries publishing BODs that failed to publish. Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS
Interface Task Schedules a task to process entries in the import staging table and inserts them into the database. Transforms the imported data in WBINT_IMPORT (see Import Task, above) into application objects. The Interface Task should be scheduled to run after an import task has been run. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide
Job Qualification Update Task Updates employee job qualifications in the Multiview Scheduler. Multiview Scheduler User Guide and Training Qualifications Guide
Labor Budgeting - Actuals Copy Copies sales and payroll actuals so that they can be displayed in a layout on the Worksheet. Budget Creation and Management Guide
Labor Budgeting - Actuals Summary Aggregation Aggregates the LFSO volume type data into daily values. Budget Creation and Management Guide
Labor Budgeting - Copy Create a copy of a plan and the related layout. Budget Creation and Management Guide
Labor Budgeting - Forecast Generation Generates a new forecast and updates existing forecasts. The forecast can be generated periodically, as defined in the task parameters, or manually using the Labor Budgeting module. Budget Creation and Management Guide
Labor Budgeting - Non Prod Hour Summary Aggregation Budget Creation only. Aggregates historical non-productive hours from the WORK_DETAIL and WORK_SUMMARY tables in Time and Attendance so they can be used to estimate future non-productive hours in bottom-up projections. Budget Creation and Management Guide
LogOpenConnectionsStatementsAndResultsTask This task logs all cases of open connections to a log file that is configured with appropriate appenders in your logback.xml configuration. You should also start the Job Scheduler with the -Dworkbrain.jdbc.debug=true JVM parameter.

This task runs by default every 15 minutes for multi-tenant deployments but needs to be scheduled for single-tenant and on-premises deployments.

Infor Workforce Management Installation and Configuration Guide.
Mail Forwarder Task Sends (forwards) email messages from the WFM system to an external mail server. Installation and Configuration Guide

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide.

Make Availability Reportable Task Makes availability data reportable in Cognos. Workforce Management Reports User Guide
Migrate Task This task is created and automatically run during the migration process to complete the inbound migration. After the task is complete, a Workmail message is sent stating that the migration has completed successfully.

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide.

Migration Export Task The task that is automatically triggered as part of the export when using the data migration tool. The user that triggered the migration also receives a Workmail that the migration export is finished along with some details of the migration.

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide.

Migration Import Task This task imports the Inbound Migration file when migrating data with the data migration tool. You can also verify that the task completed successfully in the Job Scheduler task log.

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide.

MobileShiftOfferCleanTask This task removes bad shift data caused by errors within a third party Mobile Shift Offer tool. LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide
OTE Group Reset Task Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide
Override Value Convert Task This task converts existing overrides between the legacy override format and the upgraded override format. In the legacy format, denormalized override values are stored in the OVERRIDE table. In the upgrade format, normalized override values are stored in a separate OVERRIDE_VALUE, with foreign key links to the OVERRIDE table.

You can convert overrides from denormalized values to normalized values, or from normalized to denormalized.

Note: You must enable this task in the registry before you can schedule it in the Job Scheduler. Under system/tasks, add a parameter with these values:
  • Node Name: Specify Override Value Convert Task.
  • Type: Select Variable.
  • Object Type: Select java.lang.String.
  • Object Value: Specify com.workbrain.app.ta.ruleengine.OverrideValueConvertTask.
See Override migration.
PayrollBasedJournalTask This task is used in single-tenant and on-premises deployments to generate a Workmail message with an Excel formatted report for verification and an XML formatted report which can be uploaded to the PBJ system.

Using the report generated by this task you can export the employee staffing information and hours required by CMS directly from the system. The report displays employee Hire and Termination dates, and any hours worked for the facility selected.

Infor Workforce Management Reports User Guide.
Payroll Export Enhanced Task Used to identify which pay groups to export. Used in conjunction with the Payroll Close Wizard. Payroll close
Payroll Export Task Defines the payroll export definition. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Payroll Export Task - Off Cycle Retros Used to export retroactive adjustments for a pay group.
Payroll - Readiness Notification The Payroll Readiness notification occurs after the lockdown date and alerts users, such as supervisors who have privileges to access the timesheets after the lockdown date, that the Payroll Close process should be started soon. The intent is to notify the payroll administrators that they should begin closing out the pay period. Payroll close
Payroll - Unauthorized Records Notification The Unauthorized Records notification occurs after the lockdown date and alerts users, such as supervisors who have privileges to access the timesheets after the lockdown date, whether unauthorized records still exist for the employees under their supervision. Payroll close
ProductionPlanShiftGeneration The ProductionPlanShiftGeneration task is used in the Production Workload feature in MVS to generate schedules for production plans. MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
Publish Schedule Task Publishes batch schedules for a location with a minimum day offset. LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide
RTSS Compliance Violations Report Task An RTSS compliance violations report is an information tool that identifies which employees self-scheduled shifts in spite of warnings that they received from RTSS. RTSS User Guide
RTSS Notification Task Sends alerts to employees to notify them about the opening and closing of RTSS processes and windows. RTSS User Guide
RTSS Schedule Creation Task Creates unassigned shifts for RTSS processes to send to the Self-Scheduler and sets the status of the process from PENDING to OPEN. MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
RTSS Update Status Task Closes RTSS processes if the window end date has passed and the process is in PENDING, OPEN, or PAUSED status. RTSS User Guide
Readers - Archive Files Archives old .xml and .don files. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Readers - Export Directives Exports all database changes to reader servers (monitors change history). Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Readers - Export Schedules Directives Exports employee schedules to reader servers. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Readers - Ftp Transport Transports .smf and .xml files to and from an FTP server. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Readers - Import Transactions Imports .xml transaction files into the pending table. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Readers - Process Clocks Processes the clocks from the pending table into the timesheet. Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide.
Recalculate Task Used to augment the AutoRecalc engine, which is not sufficient for all processes in the system.

You can run the task for specified calculation groups and define different parameters to meet the needs of different calculation groups.

This task is supplemented by the Full Recalculate Task.

Recalculate Task
RejectComplianceViolatedPostingTask Reevaluates schedule compliance on shifts that have been posted to the Shift Billboard. Removes shifts from the billboard if removing them from the posting employee's schedule would cause schedule compliance errors. Shift Billboard Implementation Guide
Review Clocks Warning Task This task generates the warnings that are shown in the Review Clocks page in the Self Service Portal. The warnings indicate which days have missing clocks, or clocks that were recorded out of sequence. Self Service Portal Administration Guide
Rules Applied Cleaner Task Used to clear the WRKS_RULES_APPLIED column in the WORK_SUMMARY table and the WRKSA_RULES_APPLIED column in the WORK_DETAIL_ADJUST table. Rules Applied Cleaner Task
Schedule Cleanup Task Adjusts employee schedules in response to an event. MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
Scheduled Employee Interface Task Creates communication between WFM and the Care Assignment product.

This task sends information about the scheduled employees from WFM to the Care Assignment product. This product then assigns patients to available employee care givers.

MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
Scheduled Hours Interface Task Creates communication between WFM and the Care Workload product.

This task sends Required Workload Hours and Census information from the Care Workload product to WFM, and Actual Scheduled Hours from WFM to the Care Workload product.

MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
Schedule Metrics Calculation Task Calculates a schedule's current metrics - coverage and efficiency.

The task calculates and stores the current metrics of all the schedules which belong to the selected location or any child location and falls within the selected date range.

Infor Workforce Management Reports User Guide

SecureFileTransferTask The Secure File Transfer Task permits Infor System Administrators to transfer files to a specified domain/server using a pre-configured SFTP server. You can also use private key authentication if your SFTP server is configured to support this.

You can schedule the Secure File Transfer Task to transfer transaction files from the external system to the WFM application (import) or send files from the application to the external system (export).

Infor Workforce Management Interfaces Administration Guide..
Shift Offer Expiry Task Changes unawarded shift status to expired after the Offer Window has timed out. Additionally, this task sends a notification to the roles selected in the task parameters. Shift Billboard Implementation Guide
Skill Expiry Notification Task Sends a notification to employees when a course associated with their skills expires. Training Qualifications User Guide
Start Of Day Task Creates default employee records. You can create records for calculation or pay groups, and you can select the dates for which to create the records.

The Start of Day task, defined at the system level, creates work summaries and employee schedule records for every active employee.

Scheduling the Start of Day Task
Task Management Task Distributor Distributes tasks in Task Management to the locations where they are assigned. Infor Workforce Management Task Management Guide
Team Schedule Cleanup Task Adjusts MVS schedules for specified teams during a specified future date range. MVS Implementation and Administration Guide
Test Task Performs test job runs without affecting the application.
Timesheet Lockdown Task Locks down timesheets for non-supervisor users as per the pay group configuration. Used as part of the payroll close process. Payroll close
Timesheet Lockout Approaching Notification Task Sends an alert to non-supervisor system users that their timesheet is locked down in preparation for export to payroll. Used as part of the payroll close process. Payroll close
Time Approval Records Task The Time Approval Records Task controls the creation of time approval records and the status of the associated timesheets. For there to be records to approve, you must schedule and configure the Time Approval Records Task. Infor Workforce Management Time Approval Administration Guide.
Workbrain Sys State Purge Purges records from the WORKBRAIN_SYS_STATE table according to the WORKBRAIN SYS STATE PURGE archiving policy for single-tenant and on-premises deployments. This task is disabled by default and should be enabled as a best practice.

Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide.

Workbrain User Name Change Task
Used by deployments that use Infor OS Portal as the system of record for user information to accommodate the changes of Distinguished Name field in Infor OS Portal IFS.
Note: We strongly recommend that customers do not modify the Distinguished Name field in Infor OS Portal IFS. If the Distinguished Name field is modified, this task must be run to avoid data discrepancies. For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS.
Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS
Workflow Monitor Task Monitors Workflow Engine tasks. If a task runs beyond the period specified in this task's parameters, the system deletes the workflow task's locks.
Workflow Task Runs Workflow Engine tasks. Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide
Workflow Timer Task