Primary and secondary input fields
The DBLookup being filtered is the secondary input field. This field is called Job in the previous example. The input group that is used to filter the DBLookup is the primary input field. This field is called Project in the previous example. First create the primary and secondary relationship, and then create the filter in the secondary input field.
Multiple primary input fields for one secondary input field are also possible. Multiple primary input fields are useful when you want to display only the jobs that are relevant for the selected project and department.
If you configure DBLookup filtering and the user does not select a primary input field value, the user will not receive the same list in the secondary DBLookup as they would if you had not configured DBLookup filtering. This issue occurs because the filter views a blank entry in the primary input field as an "Any" value. Therefore, the filter displays every item in the secondary input field that is associated with any of the items in the primary DBLookup list. Some items in your database may not be associated with any of the items in the primary DBLookup list, and they are excluded from the secondary DBLookup list.
Using the same example, if there was a job called Training that was not associated with any of the projects in the Project DBLookup list, the Training item would not display on the Job DBLookup list when DBLookup filtering has been configured.