The rule engine

Calculation groups are XML-based and rules and conditions are implemented using Java. Each calculation group contains rule/condition set/condition bundles, which are “applied” to each employee who is part of the calculation group. The rule engine validates each condition set against the employee and, if the conditions for the rules are met, the rule is applied to the employee.

Alternately, if the conditions for the rule are not met, the rule engine does not apply the rule to the employee. The rule engine continues this process for each employee who is a member of the calculation group, and for each rule that is specified for the calculation group.

Extending the rule engine

The rule and the condition can be extended to program custom rules and conditions. These custom rules and conditions can then be deployed on the application using the Quick Rule Editor. When you write new conditions and rules, you must register the classes in the application registry (system/rules/conditionclasses or system/rules/ruleclasses).

After you have registered the new condition or rule, the class becomes available in the Quick Rule Editor (Maintenance > System Administration > Toolkit > Quick Rule Editor) from where you can add the rule to any calculation group.