Holiday Average rule

The Holiday Average Rule is used to determine the period to consider and the method by which the holiday compensation is calculated.

Class Name


Some clients require that employees who do not work on a holiday receive holiday pay equal to the average number of hours worked over a specified past period of days or weeks. Other employees receive their regular rate of pay for the selected period, calculated by dividing the employee's total earnings by their worked hours.


Parameter Description Example
Holiday Premium Time Code The time code to be used for the premium that is generated by this rule. HOL
Holiday Premium Hour Type The hour type to be used for the premium that is generated by this rule. REG
Worked Time Codes The time codes to be considered when calculating the employee's total time worked over the specified calculation period. WRK,TRN
Worked Hour Types The hour types to be considered when calculating the employee's total time worked over the specified calculation period. REG,OT1,OT2
Dollars Time Codes The time codes to be included in calculating the extra, non-worked time earnings (for example, shift differential). This parameter is applicable when the Average By parameter is set to Worked Days and Earnings.

This parameter and the Dollars Hour Types parameter are used to calculate the non-work time compensation eligible for inclusion in an employee's total compensation over the period being evaluated. When encountered, these work details/premiums counts toward an employee's earnings over the selected period, but not their worked hours.

Note: The combination of time code/hour type defined in the Dollars Time Codes/Dollars Hour Types parameters should not be included in the Worked Time Codes/Worked Hour Types parameters.
Dollars Hour Types The hour types to be included in calculating the extra, non-worked time earnings. This parameter is applicable when the Average By parameter is set to Worked Days and Earnings.

This parameter and the Dollars Time Codes parameter are used to calculate the non-work time compensation eligible for inclusion in an employee's total compensation over the period being evaluated. When encountered, these work details/premiums counts toward an employee's earnings over the selected period, but not their worked hours.

Note: The combination of time code/hour type defined in the Dollars Time Codes/Dollars Hour Types parameters should not be included in the Worked Time Codes/Worked Hour Types parameters.
Check Past N Units Specifies how far to look back. Used in conjunction with the Past Check Unit parameter to define the period to look back when calculating the employee's total time worked. 4
Past Check Unit Indicates whether the value that is specified in the Check Past N Units parameter refers to the number of days, weeks, or pay periods to look back. Select one of these options:
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Pay Period
    Note: When selected, the rule uses the employee's current pay group as of the calculation date regardless of the employee's pay group affiliation on previous or future calculation days.
Past Check Start Indicates the latest eligible timesheet to be used in the calculation (the final day in the range of dates being considered). Select one of these options:
  • Immediately Before Holiday: Uses yesterday (relative to calculation date).
  • Before Holiday Work Week: Uses last day of the previous week.
  • Before Holiday Pay Period - Standard: Uses last day of the previous period
Immediately Before Holiday
Average By Indicates the method by which the calculated earnings are averaged. Select one of these options:
  • Worked Days: Divides the total worked time hours by the number of days the employee worked during the eligible period.
  • 20: Divides the total worked time hours by 20.
  • 20/4/WD: If the employee was hired more than 4 weeks ago, this option divides the total worked time hours by 20. Otherwise, divides the total worked time hours by the number of days the employee worked during the eligible period.
  • Worked Days and Earnings: Divides the employee's total earnings during the applicable date range (week or period) by the hours worked during the range. The premium uses as its duration the average of the hours worked during the applicable period. The premium uses as its rate the total earnings during the applicable period divided by the duration of worked hours.
  • Specified Value: Divides the total worked time hours by the specified number. This option works in conjunction with the Average By Value parameter.
Note: By default, the calculated hours are rounded to the nearest 15 minutes when using the Worked Days, 20, 20/4/WD, or Specified Value options. You can disable rounding for these options by selecting the Skip Rounding parameter. The Worked Days and Earnings option does not use rounding.
Worked Days
Average By Value Specifies the value to be calculated. The value is divided by the total worked time hours.
Note: Any value specified in this parameter is only used if Specified Value is selected in the Average By parameter.
Worked Days
Skip Rounding Indicates whether to disable rounding when using the Worked Days, 20, 20/4/WD, or Specified Value options in the Average By parameter. When rounding is enabled, this parameter is cleared by default.
Note: This parameter cannot be selected when the Average By parameter is set to Worked Days and Earnings.

Example: Calculate holiday pay based on total earnings over previous pay period

In this example, an employee's holiday pay is calculated based on their total earnings over the pay period before the holiday.

This table shows the parameter settings:

Parameter Value
Holiday Premium Time Code HOL
Holiday Premium Hour Type REG
Worked Time Codes WRK
Worked Hour Types REG,OT1,OT2
Dollars Time Codes ZONE
Dollars Hour Types REG
Check Past N Units 1
Past Check Unit Pay Period
Past Check Start Before Holiday Pay Period - Standard
Average By Worked Days and Earnings

This table shows the timesheet data of an employee:

Timesheet Data
Day Worked Hours Worked Dollars Extra Dollars
SUNDAY 0 $0.00 $0.00
MONDAY 8 $104.00 $6.00
TUESDAY 8 $104.00 $6.00
WEDNESDAY 8 $104.00 $0.00
THURSDAY 0 $0.00 $0.00
FRIDAY 0 $0.00 $0.00
SATURDAY 8 $208.00 $100.00
TOTALS 32 $520.00 $112.00

The employee worked 4 days in the previous 7-day pay period and had some non-worked compensation. In total, the employee worked 32 hours and earned $632.00. The employee's regular rate of pay is calculated to be $19.75 ($632.00 / 32). On average, the employee worked 8 hours per day. Therefore, the employee is paid a holiday premium of $158.00 ($19.75 x 8).

This table summarizes the calculations:

Earnings $632.00
Days Worked 4
Average Hours Per Day 8
Regular Rate of Pay $19.75 (earnings divided by hours worked)
Total Amount Due $158.00 (Average Hours Per Day * Regular Rate of Pay)
Premium Hours 8 (Average Hours Per Day)
Premium Rate $19.75 (Regular Rate of Pay)

Example: Bypass rounding of hours in holiday average calculation

In this example, an employee's holiday pay is calculated based on their total earnings over the 4 weeks before the week of the holiday. If the employee was hired more than 4 weeks ago, their total worked time hours over this period is divided by 20. Otherwise, their total worked time hours is divided by the number of days the employee worked during this period. The calculated hours are not rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.

This table shows the parameter settings:

Parameter Value
Holiday Premium Time Code HOL
Holiday Premium Hour Type REG
Worked Time Codes WRK
Worked Hour Types REG
Check Past N Units 4
Past Check Unit Weeks
Past Check Start Before Holiday Work Week
Average By 20/4/WD
Skip Rounding Selected

During the 4 weeks before the week of the holiday, the employee recorded 162.5 hours of eligible time. Assuming they were hired more than 4 weeks ago, their total worked time hours would be divided by 20: 162.5 / 20 = 8.125. Because the calculated hours are not rounded to the nearest 15 minutes (8.25), a premium is generated for 8.125 hours.