Localization of field input types

The localization of field input types determines the type of data a field will accept. In config mode, you can add or modify input types to meet your organization’s data entry needs or business requirements.

For example, localize the EMP_EFFECTIVE_DATE field as follows:

  • Set Field UI input type to DatePickerUI.
  • Set Field Parameter to MM/dd/yyyy.

The EMP_EFFECTIVE_DATE field will now be displayed as a date picker field with a calendar icon. In addition, data in this field can only be entered and displayed in the MM/dd/yyyy format.

HTML field User Interfaces (UIs) are Java classes that are designed to generate miscellaneous HTML input tags with some additional validations. This list displays the Field UI input types that you can assign to fields:

Creates a text field. CharUI is similar to StringUI, but the field limits the size of the string being entered.
Creates an HTML check box.
Creates a drop-down combo box.
Creates a field that formats numbers in the currency format for the specified locale.
Creates a date picker field.
Creates a date/time entry field.
Creates a drop-down combo box that references a database table. Always caches up to 30 values.
Creates a drop-down list box that references a database table.
Creates a database lookup field that references a database table.
Used on the Daily Timesheet to display a hover layer containing certain employee attributes such as calculation group, pay group, etc. Values to display are configurable within the control.
Creates a hidden field that is only visible in the application config mode.
Note: Use this field to include input that cannot be seen or modified by users when a form is submitted.

Do not use this field to change the visibility of the field. Use field level security to hide fields from end users. See Setting field level security.

Creates an editable HTML UI based on parameters such as Width, Height, Length, Wrap, Toolbar, PixelWidth, and PixelHeight.
Used on the Daily Timesheet to display an icon that presents information on the nature of the issue when hovered over.
Creates a hyperlink with an image at the left. Used on the Daily Timesheet to display the Trace link for showing the results of the Rule Tracer.
Creates an HTML list. Always caches up to 30 values.
Creates a field with a lookup button next to the field. This input type can only be used in the Schedule Optimization module.
Creates a lookup field for recipients of a message that is composed through Workmail. MessagingNamesLookupUI is a customization of DBLookupUI with similar usage pattern.
Creates a text field. Allows entry of unlimited size strings without any validation. Characters are always uppercase upon input.
Creates a text field. Allows entry of valid numbers.
Creates a password field.
Creates a field that displays format input for percentage.
Creates a text field with increment and decrement buttons. A numeric argument is expected.
Lets the user enter strings of any size without any validation.
Used on the Daily Timesheet to allow a user to flag an entire day or period as an absence.
Used on the Daily Timesheet to show total work hours for a day. When hovered over, shows breakdown of these hours by time code and hour type.
Used on the Daily Timesheet to flag a day as authorized or unauthorized. When hovered over, displays authorization-related details, such as the reason for unauthorization or the user who authorized the day.
Creates a set of DataPickerUIs and TimeEditUIs for entering on and off times in the Daily Timesheet.
Applies to the Daily Timesheet only. Creates a drop-down list in the Selection Parameters page that references the DATE_SELECTION table for the time period selection.
Creates customizable pages of content to complement each day on the timesheet.
Used on the Daily Timesheet to show total scheduled hours for a day. When hovered over, shows a breakdown of these hours by time code and hour type.
Creates an HTML text area.
Creates a combination of fields to edit time or time intervals. Optionally, date pickers can be added.

Most of these UI input fields can be configured to include specific JavaScript input validation logic using the onBeforeSystemValidation and onAfterSystemValidation parameters.