Off cycle export for employees with future termination dates
You can optionally include payments and adjustments for employees with future termination
dates in off cycle exports. This option can be configured for employees' pay
By default, off cycle payment export for terminated employees only includes employees whose termination dates fall within the current pay period. Similarly, by default, off cycle export of adjustment payments only includes adjustments up to the adjustment date of an employee's pay group.
To allow payments and adjustments up to future termination dates, select the Extended Advance Term Payout check box for each affected pay group.
See Creating or editing pay groups.
If the Extended Advance Term Payout check box is selected for a pay group, then the off cycle export follows these rules:
- If you select Pay Terminated Employees Now, the export will include payments to employees with future termination dates. Employees are paid up to their termination dates in advance.
- If you select Pay Employee Retroactive Adjustments Now, the export will include adjustments to any advance payments that have already been exported for employees with future termination dates.