Schedule Detail Duration Condition

This condition queries an employee’s schedule details to determine how many minutes the employee is scheduled to work. The condition then compares the actual schedule duration to a specified duration. For example, the condition can be used to check that the employee is not scheduled to work more than a certain time without unpaid breaks.

This condition uses schedule information from the employee schedule detail (EMPLOYEE_SCHED_DTL) table. As an alternative, you can use the Scheduled Duration Condition to use information from the employee schedule (EMPLOYEE_SCHEDULE) table for the comparison.

See Scheduled Duration Condition.

This table describes the parameters of the Schedule Detail Duration Condition:

Parameter Description
Day To Check Selec the day to check. You can select Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow.
Exclude LTA Select this check box to exclude long term absences from the scheduled minutes.
Exclude Paid Break Select this check box to exclude paid breaks from the scheduled minutes.
Exclude Unpaid Break Select this check box to exclude unpaid breaks from the scheduled minutes.
Operator Operator to use for the comparison, such as "greater than" or "equal to."
Compare to Schedule Detail Duration Specify the number of minutes for the comparison.