Processing rejected clocks

Under certain conditions, the Clock Server may not be able to process transactions that are received from clocks at a given installation. The Process Rejected Clocks page enables supervisors to select and view rejected clock transactions and return selected clocks back to the system for processing.

For example, when a new employee swipes in for the first time, if the system does not recognize the employee, the clock transaction is rejected. The rejected clock transaction is displayed on the Process Rejected Clocks page. The employee processing the rejected clocks recognizes the error message and checks to see that the employee has now been entered into the HR system. The rejected clock transaction is returned to the system for processing.

  1. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Process Rejected Clocks.
  2. Specify these optional parameters and click Change settings to filter the list:
    Search for Identifier
    Searches through the list for rejected clocks based on a specific badge or employee number.
    Rows per page
    Limits the number of rows that are displayed on the page. The default value is 10.
    Display records for the last 24 hours only
    Displays rejected clock transactions for the last 24 hours only.

    These sortable columns are displayed in the Process Rejected Clocks list:

    Ident Type
    The badge or employee number of the person who performed the clock transaction.
    A unique string that is used to identify individual employees.
    The time the clock transaction was performed.
    The type of clock transaction: On, Off, or Job.
    Reader Name
    The name of the clock reader.
    Clock Error Message
    A message explaining why the clock transaction was rejected.
    The department the employee selected as part of a department clock punch.
    The job the employee selected as part of a job clock punch.
    The docket the employee selected as part of a docket clock punch.
    The project the employee selected as part of a project clock punch.
    Time Code
    The time code that the employee selected as part of a department clock punch.
    Docket Time
    The time required to complete the docket.
    Docket Quantity
    The quantity requirement of the docket.
    The finger scanned by the biometric reader at the time of the rejected transaction.
    The quality of the finger scan.
    The amount of content in the template.
    The actual template data in digital form.
    Extra Data
    Extra information added to the clock string by the clock, such as store location.
  3. Select the check box beside each clock you want to reprocess.
  4. Click Submit.