Creating maintenance forms
- Select Maintenance > System Administration > Maintenance Forms.
- Click Create New Entry.
Specify this information:
- Form Name
- Specify a name for the new maintenance form.
- Description
- Specify a brief description of the maintenance form.
- Table
- Specify the name of the underlying database table that is referenced by the maintenance form.
- Keyfield
- Specify the primary key name of the table.
- Orientation
- Select the orientation (Horizontal or Vertical) to indicate how the detail data will be presented.
- Max Rows
- Specify the maximum number of data rows per screen that are displayed in the list view.
- Form Type
- Select MAINTENANCE to create a maintenance form.
The form types available include:
- Folder: Creates a folder under which maintenance forms can be stored, allowing for their grouping.
- Hidden Never Show: Creates a hidden maintenance form that users cannot see.
- Maintenance: Creates a maintenance form.
- Report: Creates a placeholder for existing standard application reports.
- Report Server: Creates a placeholder for existing application forms.
- Saved Reports Folder: Creates a maintenance form in the folder where saved reports are stored.
- Parent Key
- If you are linking a child form to a parent form, specify the key field name of the parent form.
- Parent Form
- If you are linking a child form to a parent form, specify the parent form name. This field represents the parent form unique identifier to which this child form will be linked.
- Order By
- Specify the column to sort by initially in the
list view.
For example, for the Shift Group maintenance form, Order By = SHFTGRP_ID (Named Shift Group). When you initially select this maintenance form, the records will be sorted on the Shift Group column.
- Audit
- Select this check box to record all inserts,
updates, and deletes in the AUDIT_LOG table. You can also audit field-level
changes by selecting the Audit check box for any field in the Form Fields panel.
Audit records can be viewed by executing the Audit Tracking report. Select My Reports > System Reports.
See "System reports" in the Infor Workforce Management Reports User Guide.
- Help Link
- This field is not used.
- Menu Sort Order
- Specify the relative position of the menu item in the application menu structure.
- Menu Parent
- Specify where the maintenance form is located. This option
determines how the maintenance form is accessed in the application. There are
several main menu parent types where forms can be saved:
- Header: Select this parent type to let users access this form using the application Header bar.
- Root Node: Deprecated.
- Folder Name: Selecting an existing folder name lets users access this form using the specified folder.
- Maintenance Form Name: Selecting an existing maintenance form name stores this form as a child form of the specified form.
- Hidden Never Show Folder: The form only is displayed as a child form within the parent form screen.
- Default Localization: Do not use. This parent type is reserved for special purposes by acting as the “menu parent” to unique forms such as the Header Node form and various popup window forms. This parent type is also used for creating default employee records.
- Unknown: Do not use. Parent of the Root Node.
- Specifies the JSP that is referenced by this form. The JSP
reference must include the fully qualified address or path and any required
parameters, for example, /maintenance/mntForms.jsp.
If you leave this field blank, the system automatically populates the field with /maintenance/ mntForms.jsp when the form is saved.
- Where Clause
- Specify the WHERE clause, if applicable. The WHERE
clause limits the data that is returned by the maintenance form. This option
appends a WHERE clause to the SQL parameter.
For example:
emp_id in (select emp_id from sec_employee where wbu_id =
- JSP Parameter
- This field controls a number of attributes of the
list view and detail view pages. A tilde (~) symbol is used to separate each
defined parameter. The default value of the field, if left blank, is
.This list explains how to use each parameter:
- If you want to lock down the entire maintenance form
so that the form is read-only, set
. - If you want to be able to create records, set
. The Create New Entry button will be displayed.For child maintenance forms, this parameter provides the ability to add a row.
- If you do not want to be able to create records, set
. The Create New Entry button will not be displayed.For child maintenance forms, this parameter prevents the ability to add a row.
- If you want records to be editable, set
to display the Edit link as a hyperlink or[EDT]=BTN
to display the Edit link as a button. - If you want records to not be editable, set
. The Edit link will not be displayed. - If you want to be able to delete records, set
. The Delete check box will be displayed. - If you do not want to be able to delete records, set
. The Delete check box will be grayed out and not selectable. - If you do not want to use pagination for a
maintenance form, set
. A basic pagination of the Prev and Next links will still be available to help you navigate between pages, but no page numbers and record count details will be displayed. - If you want a maintenance form to initially open
unpopulated with no records displayed until the user performs a
search, set
.This option stops the initial retrieval of data from the server. Reducing unnecessary database queries improves system performance.
- If you want to lock down the entire maintenance form
so that the form is read-only, set
- Custom View
- Optionally, specify the name of the database view that will be used as the data source for this maintenance form.
- Mfshead Id
- Select a security heading for the maintenance form. See System security.
- Orient. Cols.
- Select how many columns are used to display data
in the detail for the parent maintenance form. A default value of 2 is set
for any existing maintenance form that has more than 4 fields displayed.
This setting works in conjunction with the orientation setting. For example,
if Orientation
is set to Horizontal and Orient. Cols. is set to 2, the field will be
displayed as follows:
Field1 Field2
Field3 Field4
- Find Show
- Select this check box to allow users to search for records in the list view. This check box is selected by default for existing maintenance forms.
- Find Expanded
Select this check box to display the advanced search options of a maintenance form. This check box is not selected by default for existing maintenance forms so the advance search options will be collapsed.
- Find Search All
- Select this check box to enable the Search All Fields option. The Search All Fields option searches all the available fields of a maintenance form except any hidden fields. This check box is selected by default for existing maintenance forms.
- Show in Quick Links
- Select this check box if you want the maintenance form to be available for selection in the Launch Pad Quick Link Widget. Standard system security will still apply, so users who do not have proper security permissions will not see the maintenance form on their launch pad. See the Infor Workforce Management Cognos Reporting Administration Guide.
- Click Save.