Adding new forms

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Config Utility.
  2. Expand the folders until you find the folder in which you want to add the new form.
  3. Click Specify content to add a new form to the current folder.
  4. Specify this information:
    Form Name
    Specify the logical name that is given to the maintenance form object.
    Description *
    Specify a brief description of the maintenance form. The description represents the name of the form as the field is displayed in the form panel tab.
    Specify the underlying base table that is being referenced by the maintenance form.
    Specify the primary key of the underlying table.
    Set the orientation (HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL) of detail data.
    Max Rows
    Specify the maximum number of data rows per page that are displayed in the display-only summary table.
    Blank Rec
    Typically used for child forms. Specify the number of blank data entry rows that are added for new record entries.
    Form Type
    Specify the type of menu item that this form definition represents.
    Parent Key
    Used only when linking a child form to a parent form. Specify the key field of the parent table.
    Parent Form
    Used only when linking a child form to a parent form. Specify the unique identifier of the parent form to which this child form is to be linked. Consider the Shift and Shift Break forms as an example.
    Order By
    Specify the column that is used to sort information in the display-only summary table.
    Select this check box to enable auditing of this table. When Audit is enabled, all audit data (inserts, updates, and deletes) will be captured in the AUDIT_LOG table.

    Audit records can be viewed by executing the Audit Tracking report. Select My Reports > System Reports.

    See "System reports" in the Infor Workforce Management Reports User Guide.

    Help Text
    Specify the descriptive text that is displayed in the bottom section of a form.
    Help Link
    This field is not used.
    Menu Sort Order
    Specify the relative position of the menu item in the menu structure.
    Menu Parent
    Specify how the form is accessed from the page.
    Specify the Java Server Page (JSP) that is invoked when this form is referenced.
    Where Clause
    Specify the WHERE clause that is used to limit the data returned by the maintenance form. This WHERE clause is appended to the SQL parameter.
    JSP Parameter
    Specify to control these attributes of the display-only summary and detail data pages:
    • Should the New button be displayed so that new records can be added?
    • Should the Edit button be displayed so that existing records can be modified?
    • Can existing detail records be removed via the Del check box?
    Custom View
    Specify the name of a database view that will be used as the data source for this maintenance form. If this field is populated, the Custom View parameter takes the place of the SQL parameter in determining the data source.
    Help Text Language 2 thru 5
    Specify the text that will be displayed when the user clicks Help from the maintenance form.
    Mfshead Id
    Select a security heading for the maintenance form. See System security.
    Orient. Cols.
    Select how many columns should be used to display data in the detail for the parent maintenance form. A default value of 2 is set for any existing maintenance form, which has more than 4 fields displayed. This setting works in conjunction with the orientation setting, for example if the orientations setting is Horizontal and this value is 2, the field will be displayed as follows:

    Field1 Field2

    Field3 Field4

    Find Show
    Select this check box to allow users to search for records in the list view. This check box is selected by default for existing maintenance forms.
    Find Expanded
    Select this check box to display the advanced search options of a maintenance form. This check box is not selected by default for existing maintenance forms so the advance search options will be collapsed.
    Find Search All
    Select this check box to enable the Search All Fields option. The Search All Fields field searches all the available fields of a maintenance form except any hidden fields. This check box is selected by default for existing maintenance forms.
    Show in Quick Links
    Select this check box if you want the maintenance form to be available for selection in the Launch Pad Quick Link Widget. Standard system security will still apply, so users who do not have proper security permissions will not see the maintenance form on their launch pad. See the Infor Workforce Management Cognos Reporting Administration Guide.

    See Maintenance forms.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Navigate back to the Menu and Dashboard Configuration page and verify that your new form is displayed in the correct folder.