Guarantees Rule

Note: With the release, an enhanced version of this rule, the Guarantees Plus Rule, was introduced. We recommend that you review the enhanced rule before configuring the Guarantees Rule. See Guarantees Plus Rule.

Class Name


In some companies, when employees are asked to return to work for a non-scheduled period of time, they are guaranteed a minimum number of hours of pay. For example, there may be a rule to compensate employees for nighttime shifts that are less than 1 hour by guaranteeing a minimum pay for 4 hours.

The differences between the Guarantees Rule and the Recall Rule are:

  • The Guarantee Rule performs a top up of any time code at any time of the day. The Recall Rule performs a top up, but only for time that is outside of the employee's schedule.
  • The Guarantee Rule can be daily or weekly. The Recall Rule can be configured differently for time before the employee's shift, after the employee's shift, or a day off.


Parameter Description
Guaranteed Premium Time Code Tells the application what time code to use for the guarantee "top-up".
Guaranteed Premium Hour Type Tells the application what hour type to use. Defaults to the time code's default hour type if a value is not supplied.
Time Code List This parameter lists the time codes to look for to determine if there has been a period that is subject to minimum guarantees. This field is mandatory. A typical value in this field is RECALL. This parameter works in conjunction with the Eligible Time Codes parameter in the Recall Rule. The application detects that there has been a certain amount of time between work periods outside the schedule and changes the WRK records to RECALL to facilitate this minimum guarantee type calculation.
Hour Type List This is the list of hour types to look for to determine if there has been a period that is subject to minimum guarantees.
Minimum Minutes to Qualify The minimum number of minutes for which the guarantee can apply. This parameter is generally used to satisfy conditions like "the employee must work at least 2 hours on recall before the guarantee will apply".
Maximum Minutes To Qualify The maximum number of minutes for which the guarantee can apply. This parameter is generally used to satisfy conditions such as "the employee must work at most 2 hours on recall before the guarantee will no longer apply".
Guaranteed Minutes This field defines the number of minutes that the employee is GUARANTEED pay.

Specify S if the guaranteed minutes are to be the employee's schedule duration.

Use Effective Minutes When set, the minutes for each record are multiplied by the multiple of the hour type for the record. This parameter gives an effective number of minutes. For example, if an employee works 1 regular hour, the effective minutes are 60. If an employee works one hour at time and a half, the effective minutes are 60 * 1.5 = 90.
Independent Occurrences When set to Y, the application treats each occurrence independently of the others. When null or N, the application will accumulate all occurrences for the day taking into account effective versus actual instead.
Day Week Starts Defines the first day of the week. (For example, some organizations consider Sunday the first day of the week, while others consider Monday as the first day.)

Do not supply this parameter unless weekly guarantee is required.

Apply Week Wrks Flag Field The work summary field that is checked to determine whether to apply the weekly guarantee option. Valid values are wrks_flag1…wrks_flag10. A Y in the work summary field indicates that the parameter is set. This parameter is used only when the Day Week Starts parameter is supplied.