Viewing employee job information
- Select Maintenance > Employees > Employee.
- Click Find to search for the employee. To perform an advanced search, click the down arrow next to the Find button.
- After you find the employee, click Edit next to the employee.
Navigate to the Employee Job section.
These fields are displayed:
- Job
- The name of the job that the employee is qualified to perform.
- Level
- The skill level of the job that the employee is qualified to perform. The skill level is used to determine the rate for a job. For details on defining different skill levels for a single job, see Labor and production metrics.
- Start Date
- First date an employee was qualified to perform this job.
- End Date
- Last date an employee is qualified to perform this job. For example, if certification has an expiration date.
- Empjob Rank
- The priority of the job. This ranking determines which job slots are filled first.
- Empjob Udf1 to UDf5
- Fields that can be defined by your system administrator to provide additional information about the employee job assignment or to customize the application for your group’s specific needs. See your system administrator.
- Preferred Job
- Preferred job for the employee. Each employee can only have one preferred job on any date. The preferred job acts as the default job qualification for the employee when scheduled using LFSO or Multiview Scheduler. See the Infor Workforce Management LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide or the Infor Workforce Management Multiview Scheduler Implementation and Administration Guide.
- Work Assignment
- The work assignment number of the employee job. The value in this field comes from Infor HR Talent through an Employee Import. The work assignment number field is reserved to be used in integrations between Infor HR Talent and Workforce Management.
- Employee Job Rate
- The
rate associated to the work assignment of the employee. The value in this
field comes from Infor HR Talent in a BOD-based integration. The value can
be 0 or a positive integer. The default value is 0. The employee job rate is
reserved to be used in integrations between Infor HR Talent and Workforce Management.
This field is hidden by default for existing customers. You can enable the field using config mode.