Configuring the geofencing clock validation rule for the mobility reader type

By default, the geofencing clock validation rule is already enabled for the MOBILITY Clock reader type. Complete these steps if you use a different reader type for mobility or want to change the default clock validation error message.

  1. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Validations > Clock Validations.
  2. Click Edit for the GEO_VALIDATION clock validation.
  3. In the Reader Types section, optionally click the new row icon to enable the geofencing clock validation rule for another reader type.
  4. Select the reader type used for mobility from the Reader Type lookup.
  5. Click Save to save the changes you made in the Reader Types section.
  6. In the Clock Validation Message Localization section, optionally update the clock validation error message in the Message field for each locale.
  7. Click Save to save the changes you made in the Clock Validation Message Localization section.