Inline Schedule Edits
Schedule editors can now edit shift details on the weekly schedule screen without using a popup. Schedule details like job and activity assignments are defaulted to minimize the number of fields required to add a shift.
Schedule Coverage Graphs
The weekly schedule screen now shows an overview of departmental coverage on a daily basis, summing up to a percent coverage for the store. When editing a shift, hour by hour coverage is shown in a line graph to immediately display the effect the schedule edit has on coverage. The daily schedule screen shows the same hour by hour coverage for the whole store, or for a selected department.
Meal/Break Reassignment
The system can now automatically assign meals and breaks based on the employee’s scheduling rules. The automatic assignment also minimizes the impact to schedule coverage within the break window by scheduling breaks at times when the employee workload drops or when other employees are not on break. The automatic reassignment feature can be manually bypassed.
Filters and Display Options
The weekly and daily schedules now include a set of filters, sort options, and display options that can be combined to personalize the schedule for each user. The filter options include department, employee, activity, and job. The schedule can be sorted by employee, department, job, or shift start time (daily only). Display options to show availability, job, and department allow for additional shift information to be displayed without requiring a click to open the shift details. Any frequently used combination of these filters and display options, can be saved for use by the schedule editors.
Schedule Cost
The schedule screens are updated to show the original and current schedule cost in dollars, hours and SPLH, compared to any applicable budgets. This comparison is shown as a bar graph next to the actual values.
Employee Contact Card
Schedule editors can see employee contact card details while viewing or editing the schedule in both the weekly and daily view to allow for quick access to call or e-mail regarding schedule changes. They can also display detailed information about employee qualifications during the schedule editing process to assist with selecting the best qualified employee for each shift.
Unassigned Shift Assignment
The process to assign and unassigned shifts has been streamlined to ease selection of available and qualified employees. As well, an employee’s availability or qualifications can be disregarded if necessary.
Schedule Compliance in the Schedule Screen
Warning and error messages related to schedule compliance have been updated to improve readability. As well, improvements to the compliance process on published schedules now block edits that cause errors. This measure prevents unpublished shifts from persisting on a schedule.