Special Days Forecasting
Nearly every customer using ToHA (Trend of Historic Averages) must use a custom callout for special day processing. This commonly used callout is now brought into the core product and will provide a better experience for users, especially Cloud users who do not want to support custom code.
You can forecast volume for special events using the Trend of Historic Averages for all special days or from special days on the same day of the week. The calculated trend over last year will be applied to the nearest special day to the same day of last year that you are forecasting. Depending on whether you’re looking for all special days of that type or only special days on the same day of the week, it will select the nearest day that meets your criteria.
This solution is available by default for new installations (as of 6.2.3) but is not
available by default for upgrades. The class for this core implementation
) is
specified in the /system/callouts/SpecialDayCalloutregistry entry.